Wright William 1719 of Upper Broughton Will

William Wright of Nether Broughton 1719 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1719

In the name of god amen I William Wright sener of Neather Broughton In the County of Lecester yeman being scik [sic] of body & weak but of a sound & parfi: memery do ordane this as my last wil & tasttement in maner foling Viz

Inprimas first I bequear my sole to all myty god my Redemer & as for my parnselel estate & land I bequeathe in maner & form foling

Itam I Give to John Wright my yongest son the oxgan of land I bought of John Miller & the Cottige Comens I bought of William Baxter to enter on the next Ladey day after my desease & fortey pound In money to be payed a twelmand after desease & that he shall have free liberty for bed & boord for him selfe & men till Micelmas next

Item I Give to my loving Wife Mary Wright one bedsted & beding belonging to it & one Chist & one trunk & Chist of droers

Itam I Give to my Son Richard Wright my eldest Son my hous & Land which now we live ing at my wifes desee and all the Comands I purchased of Heansworth & the od measer of land I porched of John Miller Not beloing to the oxgan

Itam to Richard Wright my eldest son I Give all my Goods Chatils horsis beas sheep Crap & housel goods and all other matearels belonging to the same I give to my son Richard Wright & my Body to be buered by my Son Richard Wright whom I make my sole excettor of this my last will and testtement paing all my detts & legecis & funeral Chargis Revocking all former wills I deliver this

July the 31 1719

                                                                                                                William Wrighte his Mark

Wittnes our hands

John Coxe

Reback Brown [her mark]

William Wright

Probate 20 October 1719

Oct the 19th 1719

A true & perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattles & Chattles of the late Decd Wm Wright Senr who departed this Life Oct the 7th 1719

Impris Purse and Apparell050106
Itm In the parlor 1 bed & beding 1 Table 1 Chest 3 Chairs 2 forms   
1 Warming pan020100
Itm In the House 2 Tables 1 form 2 stooles 6 Chairs one Cupbaord010106
Pewter In the House and other Materialls010600
One line missing in a fold1200
Itm In the Kitchen One Copper five pans020600
Four Tubs Sivs Kitts and other Small things010500
Itm In the furthest Chamber One Bed & beding One Table and Linnen five   
Chaires five Barrells041400
Itm In the Middle Chamber Cheese and Cheese boards & other things020700
Itm In the first Chamber Wooll & other things070000
Itm The Corn In the Barn and Hovell and Stack471000
The Hay at Home and Closes150000
The Clotts In both Fields101104
Itm Carts Geares Plows Harrowes & plow Timber121000
Itm Horse flesh460000
Itm Cowes and Young beasts180206
Itm Sheep281000
Itm One Swine Hogg010006
Itm The fence Treas & fold Treas and Coles020500
Itm things unseen and forgot  010104

A true Account taken and praised by us

John Cope

Wm Brown Junr

Jno Mann

Wm Wright Senr