Wright Robert 1612 of Stathern alias Gould will and inventory

Robert Wright alias Gould of Stathern 1612 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/235/47

In dei nominee Amen the seaventeeth daye of Julie Anno dni One thousand sixe hundred and twelve I Robert Wright alias Gould of Stathorne in the Diocesse of Lincoln husbandman sicke & weake in bodye but whole and sound in minde and of good and perfecte remembrance praise & thanks be to Almightie god doe make constitute and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie god my creator & maker trustinge to be saved by the death & passion of Jesus Christ my onelie saviour & redeemer and by noe other meanes whatsoever and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of the parishe Church of Statherne aforesaid

Itm I give to my daughter Katherine Wright my browne calfe and to Dorothy my younger daughter my red calfe

Itm I give to eche of them one of the best of my ewe lambes

Itm I give to my daughter Katherine the cubbard and my framed table

Itm I give to eche of them my foresaid daughters a pewter platter

Itm I give to Katherine my eldest daughter the house I dwell in with one oxgange of land belonging therunto And to Dorothy my younger daughter the other oxgange of land belonging to the foresaid house

Item my will is that Joane my wife shall have Tuition of my three children and the use of my house land till the said Katherine and Dorothy be twentie yeares of age apeice and then at the forenamed age eche of them to enter & onjoye her portion bequeathed unto her

Itm my will is that the doors the glasse and the hovells belonginge to the house and beinge in the yard shall goe with the house and the oxgange which I bequeathed to Katherine my eldest daughter Alwaies provided that if my wife Joane be with childe and god blesse her with a sonne that he shall have the howse & the twoe oxganges of land paying to my daughters twentie pounds apeice out of the same house & land when they come to the age of one & twentie yeares

And my will is that if it please god to blesse her with a sonne yet neverthelesse Joane my wife shall have the use of it till he come to the age of one & twentye yeres

Further my will is that if it please god to send her a sonne and he shall depart the world before he come to the foresaid age of one & twentie that then the land shall goe as is before bequeathed

Item my will is that if god blesse my wife with a daughter that then Katherine my eldest daughter shall paye to her twentie pounds at the age of one & twentie yeres

Item I give to my brother Sander Wright sixe shillings eight pence or a sheepe rateable thereto and to my sister Grace Wright sixe shillings eight pence or a sheepe rateable thereto

Itm I give to my foresaid brother my breeches & ierkyn and to my foresaid sister my cloake

Itm I give to Joane my wife & her assignes for ever the odd halfe oxgange of land that I bought of Thomas Sharpe and all the rest of my goods moveable & unmoveable to the paying of my debts makinge her my sole and full executrix of this my last will & testament

And my desire is that my father in lawe John Rowse & Richard Rowse the younger would be supervisors of this my last will & testament and they to have for their paines a strike of peares betwixt them during the space of twoe yeres

In witnes whereof I have setto my hand the daye & yeare first above written in the presence of

Roger Rudd

Willm Holwell

John Rowse

A note of the debts that Robert Wright oweth at the making hereof

Memorand that I owe to John Lee to be paid at Martlemas eleaven pounds

Itm to Richard Spenser of Whitsondine eleaven pounds to be paid at Whitsontide

Itm to Michaell Fisher Ralphe Jacksons sheppard of Eaton eight pounds sixteen shillings to be paid at St Luks daye next

Itm to Margarett Ralphe Jacksons maide tenne pounds to be paid at mayday next

Itm to Willm Tomson of Eaton x li

Itm to Richard Weate of Knipton fyve pounds

Itm to one Cockle of Tithbye eleaven pounds to be paid at Whitsonne next

Itm to Thomas Grococke of Harby sixe pound

Itm to Henry Jarvice of Goateby sixe pounds

Itm to my brother Sander Wright fowre pounds to be paid at Whitsontide

Itm to Thomas [blank] for a cowe

Itm to Edward George of Knipton seaven pounds sixe shillings eight pence to be paid at Whitsontide next

Memorandum that Thomas Sharpe of Eaton is indebted to me fortie fowre shillings & fyve pence


An Inventorye of all the goods & Cattels of Robert Wright of Stathorne deceased made the seventh day of September 1612 praysed the same day by Thomas Rowse, Richard Rowse and Thomas Towers as followeth

Imprimis in his purse vis viiid
Itm his apparrell xiiis iiiid
It one table with the forme & back bench xs
It one fyre Iron with recons and hooks iiiis
Itm two brasse pots xiiis iiiid
It fowre pannes xls
It one chayre two stooles and a salt box iis vid
It one payre of Cobberts one spit and a brandiron iiiis
It five cushions vs
It three payles and three tubbs a Churne and a swyne tubb xiis vid
It in the buttery two little barrels two firkins two little kimnells ixs
Itm two bords with the frying pan vs vid
It pewter platters with a salt and sawcers xvs
It fowre candlesticks and a chafing dish vis viiid
It seven pillowes & one bolster xs
It seven Coverletts and two blanketts iii l
It three mattresses xxs
It twelve payre of sheets vi of flaxen and six payres of harden iiis iiiid
Itm two table clothes one towel and five pillowbeeres xs
It one Cobbert three Chests and two bedsteds x l iis
It one steeping fat with one other tubb xvis
It three wheeles linnen and wollen iiis
Itm one pick pan two otemell skeps xiid
Itm three kye, two hecklers and two Calfes x l
It five horses and mares with two foles xvii l xs
It fowre swyne xxxvs
It the whole Crop of corne and hey xl l
It one old weane with one plow and plowgeers and two harrowes with plow timber iiii l
It fortie and three sheepe x l
It one payre of Bullockes vii l
                                                                                                               Summ total cx l xiis xd

Probate 2 October 1612