Wood George 1627 of Stathern will and inventory

George Wood of Stathern 1627 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1627

In the name of god Amen The fifteenth daie of November in the yeare of our Lord god one Thousand sixe hundred twentie and seaven I George Wood of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester gent weake in bodie but otherwise of good and perfecte memorie (thanks bee to god therefore) doe ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my soule into the handes of Allmightie god my Creator trusting to bee saved onely by the merites of Christ Jesus and my bodie to be buried in the Church of Statherne aforesaid

Item I give unto Magdalin Wood my wife my farme with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging

Item I give unto her all my horses Cattell and sheepe

Item I give unto my daughter Dale three poundes of good and lawfull money of England in full satisfaction of her filiall or Childes part or portion

Item I give towards the Church of Stathorne for the Repairing of it thirteene shillings foure pence

Item I give unto my Grandson Charles Dale a hundreth poundes of Lawfull money of England if so bee that his mother die without any other Issue the which said summe of a hundred poundes aforesaid my will is that it be paid unto him the said Charles by the Executor or Executors of the last will and Testament of my wife Magdalin, or of her Administrator or Administrators out of my goods and Chattells within a twelve moneth after her decease But yf it shall please god to send my daughter Dale any other Issue of her bodie lawfully begotten then this my last will and Testament is that the hundred poundes above named shall be paide at the time before specified by equall portions unto the Issue male or female of my daughter Dale which are as yet unborne And that notwithstanding my former bequest in this my last will and testament, her sonne Charles Dale shall have no part or portion thereof

The Residue of my goods not bequeathed nor given (my debts Legacies and funeral expences discharged and paide) I give unto Magdalin Wood my wife whom I make sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament in witnesse whereof I have heareunto set my marke and seale the daie and yeare above written

                                                                                                         George Wood his marke

Witnesses of the reading and publishing of this will

Roger Derham

James Brough

Richard Basse [?]

Roger Willson


A true and perfect Inventorie of all the goods and Chattells moveable and unmoveable of George Wood late of Stathern in the Countie of Leicester Gent deceased Prized the third daie of December 1627 by Ambrose Greenewood Martin Nuttall Nicholas Barnes and William Caunt as followeth

In the Hall  
Imprimis his purse and Apparrell 6 li 13s 4d
Item one Cubboarde two tables foure Chaires two buffett stooles with the settles about the  
tables 40s
Item a Landiron a gallowtree Reckin hookes tosting Irons a paire of Tongs and a fireshovell 13s 4
Item one Cubboard in the Chimney corner tinne bottels and drinking glasses with other kindes  
of glasses 8s 6d
Item two Carpetts and a Cubboard Cloth for the hall 10s
In the new Parlour  
Item one field bed a Canopie bed one Cushion chaire two Cushion stooles and halfe a dozen of  
Cushions 4 li
Item one Cubboard and one table 20s
Item one Landiron a fireshovell and a paire of tongs & a warming panne 26s
Item Bookes 2s
Item a feather bed and Rugg two boulsters three blanckitts two downe pillowes one  
mattrisse and a matte 3 li 10s
Item a Carpitt cloth a Cubboard cloth and Curtins 7s
In the dyning Parlour  
Item 2 tables 2 Carpitt cloathes & one fourme 14s
Item two Cushion stooles and a dozen of Cushions 12s 8d
Item the Virginalls and a wicker Chaire 20s
Item one Bed 2 feather beds two boulsters feather pillowes 3 blanckitts and a trundle bed 3 li 13s 4d
In the Inner Parlour  
Item 4 trunkes 2 boxes and a close stoole 20s
In another little parlour next the hall  
Item one feather bed a bolster two blanckitts & a Rugg 54s 4d
In the maides chamber  
Item one bedsteade and a bed 26s 8d
Item one side saddle with the furniture belonging to it 26s 8d
Item one woollen wheele and foure Linnen wheeles 26s 8d
In the new building  
Item the vallance Curtaines and a Coverlet 14s
Item fine Linnen 8 li 13s
Item sixe paire of hempin midlin & hardin sheetes 25s
Item a paire of pillowbeares 4 flaxen towells hardin Towells and one Table cloth 8s
In the folkes chamber  
Item two bedsteads with furniture belonging unto them 25s
In the fore chamber  
Item Beese all the Butter and cheese with other provision 4 li 6s 8d
In the chamber over the hall  
Item Corne one Trie and other implements 46s 8d
It Beese in another Chamber 16s
In the Celler  
Item one hoggsheade 6 Barrells a powdring trough with a Cover to it 20s
Item all the Brasse a lead and a paire of Quernes 3 li 6s 8d
Item all the Pewter 34s
Item a Mashfatte brewing vessell and woodin ware 3 li 13s
Item wooll and woollen yarne flaxe and flaxen yarne 20s
Item smoothing Irons and setting stickes and other implements 3s 10d
Item all the Coales 40s
Item all the horned beastes 50 li
Item all the horses & mares old & young 20 li
Item six score sheepe 34 li
Item niene swine 53s
Item 10 Turkeies 3 geese duckes and all the pullen 45s
Item all the Corne & haie in the yard and in the barne 60 li
Item the wheate that is sowne with the barlie fallowes 19 li
Item Cartes and Cartgaires ploughes and plowghgaires hoveles Rackes Mangers plannchers  
harrowes Cratches fleakes foure Traies pales a waine yokes teams and a boarefranke swine  
troughes with all offal wood about the yard 10 li 10s
                                                                                               The total summe is cclviii li iis viiid

Probate 31 March 1628