William Wiseman of Stathern 1741 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1741
In the Name of God Amen I William Wiseman of Stathern in the County of Leicester farmer Doth Make this my last Will & Testament This Eleventh day of May 1739
First I Commend my Soul into the hands of almighty God My Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buryed at the Discression of my Executrix & Executor hereafter Named
As to my worldly Goods which it hath pleased God to possess me of I Dispose of as followeth my Debts & funerall Expences being first paid & Discharged
Imprimis I give and Device All that oxgang of Land which was given me by my Mother Catherine Wiseman And lyeth Dispersed abroad in the fields of Stathern aforesaid Also all that oxgang of Land which my father purchased of Robert Hains lying & being Dispersed abroad in the fields of Stathern with their Appurtenances to my Eldest Son William Wiseman for And During his Natural Life and at his Decease I give & Devise the said two Oxgangs of Land to his heirs of his Body Lawfully Begotten & to their heirs & assigns for Ever And my mind is for want of Such Issue I give and Device the said two oxgangs of Land to My Son Robert Wiseman for and During his Natural Life & at his Decease to his heirs of his Body Lawfully Begotten & to their heirs and assigns for ever
Item I give and Device my other two oxgangs of Land my Cottage house and three Lands in the West field all lying & being Dispersed abroad in the fields of Stathern aforesaid to my Eldest Son William Wiseman to him his heirs and assigns for Ever
Item I Give and Bequeath to Catherine Wiseman My Youngest Daughter the sum of fifty five pounds of Lawfull English Money to be paid her by My Eldest Son William Wiseman within the Space of twelve months after my Decease In Maner following: I give and Devise my Dwelling house I now live in together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging which I Bought and purchased of Andrew Guy of Plungar to My Eldest Son William Wiseman in the Same Manner as I gave him the two oxgangs of Lands first Mentioned above: provided he my Son William Wiseman Doth pay or Cause to be paid to my foresaid Daughter Catherine Wiseman her Legacy before Mentioned of fifty pounds And for Default or Non payment of the foresaid Legacy of fifty pounds to be paid her by My Said Son William Wiseman I give & devise My Aforesaid Dwelling house to her her heirs & assigns for Ever
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Said Daughter Catherine Wiseman over and besides the fifty pounds before mentioned The Sum of ten pounds in household goods at her Mothers Decease: And also my Will and Mind is that My Said daughter Catherine Wiseman shall have Meat Drink Washing Lodging And Apparrell with my Son William Wiseman Dureing the time till She be Marryed without any Charges or the payment of any Money for the same to him my Said Son William Wiseman
Item I Give and Bequeath to my Youngest Son Robert Wiseman the Sum of Thirty five pounds of Lawfull Money to be paid him by My Son William Wiseman in the Space of twelve Months after My Decease out of the Lands above given and Devised unto him
Item I Give And Bequeath to Sarah My Eldest Daughter now the wife of John Goodwin the Sum of five Shillings
Item I give and Bequeath to Mary my Second Daughter Now the wife of Joseph Lee the sum of five Shillings
Item all the Rest and Residue of my Goods Creditts Chattells and personall Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to Ann my Loving wife and William Wiseman my Eldest Son and I make and ordain her my loving wife & William my Eldest Son Joynt Executrix & Executor of this my last Will and Testament In trust for the Intents & purposes in this my last will Contained
In witness whereof I the said William Wiseman have to this my last Will and Testament Sett my hand and Seal the day and Year above written
Will Wiseman
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the said William Wiseman & Declared to be his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who were present at the Signing and sealing thereof
Tho Blankly
Sarah Dallywater her Marke
Tho Hourd
William Wiseman one of the Extors was Sworn the 20th Aprill 1741 (and power Reserved for the other)
Before us Geo: Newell
This is to certifie anybody whom it consearns that this is a true Inventory of the deceased William Wiseman yeoman of Stathern in the County of Liecester
£ | s | d | |
For pewter & brass tables chears & stools in the dwelling house | 5 | “ | “ |
For the furniture in the parlor | 5 | “ | “ |
For the furniture of the chamber | 6 | “ | “ |
For the furniture of the other chamber | 1 | “ | “ |
For the ciching furniture | 5 | “ | “ |
For 8 horses old & young | 28 | “ | “ |
For 13 cows old & young | 19 | 10 | “ |
For 22 Sheep old & young | 6 | 10 | “ |
For 2 swine | 2 | “ | “ |
Doe 1 waggon & cart | 7 | “ | “ |
For plows harrowes & gears | 3 | “ | “ |
For the clots of his farme | 15 | “ | “ |
For his purse & apparel | “ | 5 | “ |
103 | 5 | “ |
This is to certifie anybody whom this shall concern that this is a true account of all things unseen or forgotten
Tho Blankly
John Goodwin