William Wiseman of Stathern 1619 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1619/68
In the name of god Amen The third day of Maye 1618 I William Wyseman of Statherne in the countie of Leicester weaver beinge whole in mynde and perfect in memorie thankes be to god doe make this my last will and testament to be written for the disposeing of my goods in manner and forme following
First I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god my creator and to Jesus Christe my onelie Savioure and redeemer by whose merrits I hope onelie to be saved and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Statherne aforesaid
Item I give to the Church of Statherne iiis iiiid
Item I give to Robert Wysman my sonne all my parte of the shoppe both loomes and geares and other the … therein containineing and vis viid with the table and forme in the howse and such barrells tubbes and kittes as they have now in use
Item I give to Marie Wysman my daughter in lawe one paire of sheetes of the best saveing one paire and one former swarme of bees
Item I give to Marie Sharpe my daughter xxs and one paire of my best sheetes
Item I give to George Sharpe my sonne in lawe towards the bringing uppe of his sonne in learning [?] &c
Item I give unto Thomas Wysman my sonne xiid
Item I give George Wysman my soon x li which my sonne Robert Wysman or his … is bounde to paie
Item I give unto William Wysman my sonne thirteene pounds
Item I give unto George Sharpe Three strikes of Barlie and three strikes of pease one stocke of bees of the beste
Item I give to Bridgett Blanckely my god daughter xiid
Item I give unto John Whittell iis
Item I give to George Blanckley iiiis
Item I make and appointe Robert Wysman and George Sharpe my sonnes full executors of this my last will and testament and for theire paines I give them xs apeece
Item I give unto Marie Wysman my sonne Roberts Daughter the halfe of my cowe and all the reste of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Thomas Wysman George Wysman and William Wysman my sonnes equallie to be divided amongest them
And so the lord have mercie upon me
William Wysman his marke
Witnesses to the same John Whittle George Blanckley
Memorand my minde is that the howse and lande which wee have in … I give whollie unto Robert Wysman my sonne and to the heires male lawfullie betton of his bodie and for want so such issue I give it to Thomas Wysman my second sonne and to the heires male lawfullie begotten of his bodie and for want of such issue to George Wysman and to his heires male lawfullie begotten of his bodie And for want of such issue to William Wysman and to his heires male lawfullie begotten and for want of such issue to the lawfull heire of William Wisman the elder and if my sonne Robert Wysman departe withoute heire male and have a daughter then the nexte heire that enters upon the land shall paie unto Roberts daughter or daughters xxii li
William Wisman his marke
Witnesses to the ame Tho: Whittle George Blanckley
Probate 27 April 1619