Edward Wilford of Stathern 1713 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1713
In the name of god Amen the Tenth day of June in the year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Ann by the grace of God queen of great Brittan Ano Domoq 1713 I Edward Willford of Stathorne senor In the County of Leicester Husbandman being sick and weak in body but of perfect memory Thanks be to Almighty God for it doe make & ordaine this my last will and Testament in maner & form folowing that is to say
First I Comand my soule into the hands of almighty God my Creator hoping assuredly through the meritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made partaker of life Eternall and for my body to be desently buerid at the discretion of my Excetors here in after named & first my will and minde is that I make my dear wife Sarah Willford & John Willford my Eldest sonn I make them my sole excieters of all my parsonall Estate
Item I Give to my wife one Mesige and one halfe oxgange of Land for her during her life and Then to Come to my son John Willfird to him & his ears for ever provided that the said John Willford should die without ears Then this Mesige and half oxgange of Land to Come to my son Edward Willford and my son Thomas Willford to be eaqually devided bequeen [sic] them
Item I Give to my son Edward Three score pounds wich my son John Willford is to pay to him the said Ed Willford at the age of 24 years
Item I Give to my son John Willford one oxgange of Land to him and his Ears for Ever
Item I Give to my daughter Ann Willford fifty pounds and Ten pounds in housold goods
Item I Give to my Daughter Mary Willford forty pounds to be paid to her at one and Twenty years of age
Item I Give to my son Thos Wilford forty pounds to be payd to him at the age of one & Twenty and if any one of The for yonger Children die before They be at age There portion is Come to John Willford and if any of the 3 yonger Children die before They Come to age Their portion is to be Eaqually devided amongest them
Wittness my hand and seale here I have set
Edward Willford
Sealed and delivered in the presents of us
Thomas Barns
Roger Barns
June 1713
An Inmatery of the Goods And Chattel of Edward Willford Late Deceased of Stathorne in the County of Leicester youman
Item purs and aparil | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Puter and Brass Beds & bedin Wollin & linin and all other housel goods with | |||
the house | 70 | 0 | 0 |
2 mars and foles and six barand Cattel | 50 | 0 | 0 |
Nine milch Cows six yong bease and five Calves | 45 | 0 | 0 |
Yews and Lambs Twenty foure Barand sheepe forty one | 30 | 0 | 0 |
Eleven swine | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Waggon Carts Geares plows and Harrows And all Meteralls for Husbandry | 20 | 0 | 0 |
A peece of a hovel of beans | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Weat fore strike Barley 2 quarter | 2 | 0 | 0 |
The Crop of six oxgange of Land and a half auld Hay | 70 | 0 | 0 |
304 | 0 | 0 |
Rogger Barnes
Thomas Barnes
Probate 13 October 1713