Thomas Whittle of Plungar 1698 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1698/142
In the name of God Amen February the 9th Anoqs Dni Dei 1698/9 of Thomas Whittill of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester the elder yeoman being weake in Body but of perfect minde & memorie praised be God therefore Doe make & ordaine this my Last Will & Testament as followeth
Principlely I humbly crave of Almighty God to Receive my soule into his mercie And my Body I Committ to the Earth to be Buried in Dessent Buriall And as for my Worldly Estate which God in Mercie hath Lent me I give Devise & Bequeath as followeth that is to say
Imprimis I give and Bequeath unto John Whittill my third son the sume of three score pounds of Lawfull money of England in full Satisfaction of his Childs part and portion to be paid by my Executor within one year after my Decease
Item I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeths three Children now living (She Being Departed this Life) the sumes of five shillings a piece, to be paid in one year after my decease & their fathers Aquittance Shall be my Executors Disscharge
Item I give to the poore of Plungar aforesd the sume of five shillings to be Delt by my Executor in one Moneth after my Decease
Item as for my two Sons Thomas Whittill and William Whittell I have given them suficient parts & porcions in houses & lands by sufficient Deeds and Securitie to them & their heirs & Assigns for ever in full of their parts and porcions out of all my lands goods & Chattells
Item all the Rest of my goods Cattell Chattels moneys bonds Bills househould stuff & Creditts whatsoever & wheresoever I give and Bequeath unto my eldest son Hugh Whittill whome I make constitute & appoint my full & sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament he paying my debts Legacies and funerall Chardges
Soe revokeing all former wills by me made to this my Last Will & Testament I have sett to my hand & seale the Day & year above Written
Tho: Whittill
Read, signed, sealed, published & Declared the Last Will & Testament of the sd Thomas Whittill in the presence of
Charles D…
John Warren
Ric: Hickson
Probate 14 March 1698/9