Whittle John 1727 of Harby will and inventory

John Whittle of Harby 1727 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicester Wills and Probate Records 1727

In The Name of God Amen the twenty first of December in the Year of our Lord 1726 According to the Computation of the Church of England I John Whittle of Harby in the County of Leicester being of Perfect memory & remembrance praised be God, Do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in Manner & Form following, that is to say

First I bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping that through the meritorious death & passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour & Redeemer to receive free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins & as for my body to be buried in Christian burial at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter mentioned

Item I constitute ordain & appoint Jane Whittle my Wife & John Whittle my Son to be Joynt Executors of this my Last will & testament to possess & Enjoy all the Severall Houses Lands & goods Whatsoever that is to say that the said Jane my wife & John my Son pays the said Legacies as are now hereafter mentioned

I give unto my Son Thomas Whittle ten pounds of good & Lawfull Moneys of England & to my Daughters Ann Whittle & Elizabeth Whittle ten Pounds each in Moneys & Goods to be pay’d unto then when they come to the Age of twenty one Years & if any of the three should die before they come to Age the portion or Legacy of the deceased to be divided equally to the Survivor or Survivors

& this being my last will & Testament I revoke all other wills & testaments

In Witness whearof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the twenty first day of December & in the year first above written

                                                                                                         John Whittle his Mark


Ralph Whittle

John Harby

January the 11th This is a True Inventory of the Goods of John Whittle Deced

  £ s d
Purse and Apparel 04 10 00
Mares 20 00 00
Beast 12 00 00
Sheep 08 00 00
Carriages and Gears and all Implements of Husbandry 12 00 00
Corn and Hey and the Hovil 12 00 00
Swine 01 00 00
Goods in the House 02 10 00
Goods in the Parlor 04 00 00
Goods in the Dairy 02 00 00
Goods in the Kitchin 02 10 00
Chambers over the Parlor all the Goods in them 12 00 00
Goods in the Chamber over the House 01 10 00
Goods in the Chambers over the Kitchen 02 10 00
Pewter and Brass 05 00 00
Things Unseen and forgotten 00 06 08
  101 16 08

Appraised by us

Ralph Whittle

John Harby

Probate 8 May 1727