Whittle John 1633 of Stathern will and inventory

John Whittle of Stathern 1633 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1633/41

In the name of god Amen The first day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred thirtie and three I John Whittell of Statherne in the countie of Leicester husbandman weake in bodie but (praysed be god) of good and perfect memorie doe make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightie god my Creator and my bodie to be buried in the church yeard of Statherne aforesaid

Item I give and bequeath to my Sonne Richard Whittell the Summe of Three pounds Three shillings eight pence of currant English money to be paide unto him foure yeares after my decease

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Dorrothy Whittell the Summ of Three pounds sixe shillings eight pence of currant English money to be paide unto her foure yeares next after my decease

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anne Whittell the sume of three pounds six shillings eight pence of currant English money to be paide unto her when shee shall accomplish the age of one & twentie yeares

Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John Whittell the sume of three pounds sixe shillings eight pence when he shall accomplish the age of one and twentie yeares

Item I give and bequeath unto my children tenne sheepe to be equally devided amongst them

And for my sonne Robert my will is that he have halfe the goods moovable with my wife at the end of five yeeres after my decease, the debts & Legacies due before that time to be paid and of those that be due after the aforesaide five yeeres to be paide out of the goods of both my wife Margaret my executor and my sonne Robert

Item I give and bequeath towards the repairing of the Church of Statherne aforesaide twelve pence

Item I give my farme with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my wife if shee continue widowe otherwise I give my farme with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my sonne Robert

Item all the rest of my goods not bequeathed nor given I give unto my wife Margaret Whittell whome I doe make sole executrix of this my Last will & testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my marke the daie and yeer first above written

                                                                                                         John Whittell his marke

Witnesses of the Reading and publishing of this will

James Brough

John Marshalle

Jane …


An inventorie taken the seventeen day of April 1633 of the goods of John Whittell late of Statherne in the Counte of Lester husband man by the neighbours of Statherne as followeth: Nicolas Rowse Gabrill Caunte

Item his pourse and aparrell: tow pounds

Itm the horses mares and Cowlts: twelve pounds

Three horne bease: nine pounds

Itm nine sheepe: tow pounds thirteen shillinge eight pence

Itm the swine in the yard: one pound sixtene shillinge eight pence

Itm the coke and henes: three shillings four pence

Itm tow carts tow harrowes: foure pounde

Itm one hovvell and the pease upon it: one pound ten shillings

Itm carte geares & plowgeares and plow timber: thirtene shillinge four pence

Itm in the barne barley and heey & lethers: one pound six shilling eight pence

Itm in the housh one coobard and the pewter upon it: one pound ten shilling

Itm peeces of brases one pound ten shillinge

Itm one table with forme tow chares & a cheese prese with other Implementes sixtene shillinge

Itm hooks and fire Irons and friingpan three shillinge fower pence

Itm in the buttre barrels and toobs with other implements thirtene shilling fower pence

Itm in the parler one bed a cheeste and … with other implements, sixtene shillings

Itm in the greate parler beds cheests … and lining with other implements, seven pound

Itm in the Chamber bacone corne forks with divers other small implements, tow pound

Item the corne sowene in the feildes thirtie pound

Itm one bible one hachete sackes & sives with other Implements; sixe shillinge

Itm the maner in the yard: twelve shillings

Itm all things for gotten not prased: twelve pence

The whole som is fower score pound elevene shillinge four pence

Probate 3 May 1633