White Christopher 1667 of Hickling will and inventory

Christopher White of Hickling 1667 Will and Inventory

Nottinghamshire Archive PR/JW/1/41

Probate 4 October 1667

In the Name of God Amen I Christopher White of Hicklinge in the County of Nottingham yoman beinge sicke and weake in Bodye but of good and perfecte memorye praysed be god therefore, doe make and ordaine this mye last will and testamente in manner and forme following

First I commend mye soule into the hands of Allmightye God hopinge to be saved bye the all sufficiente merritts of Jesus Christe mye onelye Saviour and Redemer and mye Bodye to be interred in Christiam Buriall in the Church or Churchyard of Hicklinge aforesaid at the discretion of mye Executor hereafter mentioned And as concerning mye estate which God hath beene pleased to bestow of me, I doe dispose of them in manner and forme following.

First I give and bequeathe unto Margrett White mye loving wife all mye whole estate during her natural life, provided that she doe not joyne in wedlock with anye other man; And if it fortune that Margarett mye wife doe joyne in wedlocke with anye other man then mye will & mynde is that she shall enjoye onelye her thirds & no more

Itm I give and bequeathe unto mye naturall sonne John White the house and oxgange of arable land meadowe & pasture with all & [small hole] their appurtenances thereunto belonging and also [small hole] close of pasture ground thereunto belonging beinge and adjoyninge to the lane called longe lane, to him & his heires for ever, now in Hicklinge aforesaid; And mye will is that mye saide sonne John White shall paye yearelye unto Richard …man and his wife during both there naturall lives the sume of three pounds a year

Itm I give unto Marye White mye naturall daughter all that mye Anntiente cottage or tenement wherein I now live with all the commons and proffitts thereunto belonginge in as lardge a maner accordinge to custome and other anntiente cottages doe or maye And further I give unto her the best Bed & the two best pans & the best pott and so much of other household goods beinge of the best pewter as shall make them up to the value of ten pounds beinge eqallye valued

All the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give unto Margarett my lovinge wife whom I make full Exector of this mye last will and Testamente

In witness whereof I have hereunto sett mye hand & seale the twentyeth daye of March in the eighteenth yeare of the raigne of Sovaraigne Lord King Charles the second bye the grace of god of England Scotland France & Ireland defender of the faith and in the yeare of our lord god 1665.

                                                                                                         Christopher White his mark

Sealed and delivered in the presence of

John Collington

Garvais Linsdale

A true & perfect Inventory of the Goods of Christopher White of Hickling Lately deceased

Imprimis £ s d
His Purse and Apparell 01 10 00
In the house one Table one Kubbert 3 Chears 2 Stooles Fire Iron & Reccons 00 11 00
Peauter & Brasse 02 10 00
In the Parlor 2 Brasse Beds one Chest 3 Cofers 02 02 00
Bedding and Featherbed 4 Coverlids Bla… Sheets Pillows Pillowbears one      
Towell & Napkins 04 15 00
In the Deary one Table one forme 3 Barrells Tubbs and other Small things 01 10 00
Linning and Woolling Cloth 01 05 00
Corne & Hay 00 16 00
2 Loads of Coales and 2 Cows 03 00 00
Money owing 05 10 00
2 Leather Bottles and Winders Cloth and other Small things Seen and unseen 00 05 00
                                                                                                     The total sum 24 03 00

Henry Browne & Thomas Daft Praisers