Ambrose Whalley of Hose 1660 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1660
January the 20th 1652
In the name of God Amen I Ambrose Whalley of Hose in the County of Leicester Milner being weake in body but of perfect memory praised be God doe ordaine and make this my will & testament in manner and forme following
Imprimis I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer and my body to be decently buried within the Churchyard of Hose aforesaid
It I give grant alyen and confirme unto Abigail Whalley my wyfe and to her heires and assignes for ever All that my winde Corne Milne together with foure Lands or leas to the same belonging standing lyeing and being in the east end fields of Claxton in the said County of Leicester To have and hould the said Winde Corne Milne and the foure lands or leas to the same belonging together with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Abigail her heires and assignes for ever
It I give to my Children Anne Oliver [?] Alice and Richard to each of them ten pounds when they shall accomplish their severall ages of twenty and one yeares and if anie of them depart this life before hee or shee shall accomplish their severall age my will is their portion or portions do remayne to my surviving children equally to bee divided amongst them Provided alwaies that if Abigail my wife marry or be married at anie time after my desease my will is all and every their severall portions shall be paid within one whole yeare next after her said Marriadge
Item I give to mine Eldest Sonne Ambrose one shilling
It I give to the poore widdowes of Hose ten groates
It I give to my wife Abigail my house and Lands in Hose and one Land lyeing in Claxton fields newe Burge acre for and dureing the tearme of her naturall Life onely and from and after her decease to use and Behoofe of Ambrose Whalley my eldest Sonne his heires and assignes for ever
All the rest of my goods and Chattells whatsoever unbequeathed I give unto my wife Abigail (my debts legacies and funerall chardges being paid) whom I make sole executrix of this my Last will and testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett mine hand seale that day and yeare first above written
Ambrose Whalley his marke
Signed sealed and published in the presence of
Grego Julyan
Robert Markeham his hand [actually his mark]
Probate 19 March 1660/1