Henry Walton of Eastwell 1534 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/252
Testamentum Henryei Watson de Estwell
In die nominee Amen in the xxc day of June in the yere of our Lord god mcccccxxxiiiite I Harre Watson of hole mynde & gud remembrans make my last wyll and testament in thys manner folowing
Fyrst I bequeth my sole to god allmyghty to our Lady & to all the sentts in hevyn & my body to be beryd in the churchyard of Sent gudlokk in Estwell
Also I bequeth to the hey alter of the same for forgottyn tythes xiid
Also to our lade of Lyncoln iid
I bequeth xs to have a trentall sung for my soule
I bequeth to the church of Sent guelokk iis
Also I bequeth to every of my godchildren a lam & to Helyn my syster a whyt … … to Ysbell my … a gudds nat bequethed I bequeyth to Rychard Watson & Ambros Watson my brother & to … my wyff whome I make myne executors that they may have them & dysspose them for the helth of my soule as they thynke best Theis Beyng wyttnes … Lankton … Flower with other moo