Watchorn Richard 1632 of Eaton Will

Richard Watchorn of Eaton 1632 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1632/69

Maii 2d 1632

In the name of god Amen I Richard Watchorne of Eaton in the Countye of Lecester being sicke in bodie but whole in minde, and of good and perfect memory (thanks be given to god) doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament in manner and fourme following

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of allmighty god my maker hopeing to be saved by the death and passion of Jesus Christ my redeemer and by no other meanes, and my bodie to the earth from whence it Came, and to be buried in the Churchyard of Eaton aforesd

It I give to the Church of Eaton 2s 6d

It I give to the poore of Eaton 2s 6d

It I give unto Joahne my eldest daughter five pounds, which William Guy of Claxton oweth unto me uppon bond

It I give unto Richard my eldest sonne six pounds thirteene shillings and foure pence whereof five pounds Willyam Sa… of … towne of Eaton oweth me uppon bond and the rest to be made up out of my goods by my executor

It I give unto Isabell my second daughter six pounds, thirteene shillings and foure pence whereof three pounds Robart S… of … towne of Eaton oweth me the rest to be make out of my goods by my executor

It I give unto Dorothy my youngest daughter and to Willyam my yongest sonne each of them five pounds a peece which sum of tenne pounds Mr P… of Eastwell oweth me uppon bond

It my will is that these and every of these several porcons given to my said Children Joahne, Richard, Isabell, Dorothy and Willyam shall remaine in the hands of those men in whom they now are until their several age of fourteene yeares, and the bondes to be … to the Childrens use

And I will allso is that the Interest and use of these severall debts and Sumes of money shall be payed to my executor yearly for the education and bringing up of my sayde Children unto their several age of fourteene …

All the rest of my goods Cattell and Chattells, my debts payed my legacies discharged, and my bodie decently brought to the ground I give unto Sence Watchorne my wife whome I make full executor of this my last will and testament

I allso ordeine Supervisoers hereof … … … …

In witness whgereof I have sett to my hand the daye and yeare first above written

                                                                                                                Richard Watchorn his marke


Tho: Caunt vicar

Robert Simpson [his mark]

Robert Somner

Probate Leicester 8 March 1632/3


A true and perfect Inventory Indented of the goods & cattells of Richard Watchorne late of Eaton in the County of Leic husbandman deceased taken valued & praised by Robert Symson Robert Sumner Richard Clarke & John Baily Praisers the 14th daye of Maye 1632

In the house & parlor   
Inpris his purse & apparrell100
Item one bedstead 4 Chests & one press with furniture for the childrens bed168
Item Three paire of flaxen sheetes three paire of harden sheetes with napkins   
& one pillowbeare1134
Item one Coveringe five pillowes with six qushions0134
Item Corne & Ymplements in the chamber1100
Item boards and shelfe in the chamber050
Item on Cubbard Two tables and one forme, one Chaire, with three Stooles100
Item peuter & brass200
Item the fire rackinges & Ymplements about the house034
In the yeard & feild   
Item five kyne one heifer & one Calfe1200
Item for the sheep & 17 lambes1000
Item the crop upon the ground300
Item debts owinge2800
Item for things forgott00100
Summa totalis6318