William Warren of Plungar 1632 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1632/11
In the name of God Amen the xxth daye of October in the yeare of our Lord god 1631 I William Warrine of Plungar in the Countie of Leic husbandman beinge whole in Bodie and of perfect remembrance the Lord be thanked therefore do make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and form followeinge that is to Say
First I comitt my Soule to allmightie god my maker and redeemer and my bodie to be buried in the Church yard of Plungar aforesd And for my worldly goodes which the Lord hath lent mee I dispose of them as followeth
Item I doe give and bequeath unto the Church of Plungar iis
Item I doe give unto the poore of Plungar iis
Item I doe give unto Isabel Cooke one Cow
Item I doe give unto every one of my Servants one sheepe hogg
All the rest of my goods I doe give and bequeath unto Anne Warrin my well beloved wife and unto my Sonne Robert Warrin
Item I doe make Anne Warrin my wife whole and Sole executrix of this my last will and testament if she doe live: if it please god that she doe die my will and pleasure is that Anthony Bennet my father in Law shall have the whole Tuition of my Sonne Robert and be made executor in trust for him
And if it please god that my Sonne doe die of this disease at this time my will and full mind is that my loving Father Robert Warrine and Robert Warrine Anthony Warrin and John Warrine my Bretheren I doe give them tenn poundes to be equally devided amongst them
Item I doe give unto my Brother Oliver Warrin all my land provided that the said Oliver my Brother shall plowe till and order one oxgange of Land for my Father Robert Warrin and shall fetch him yearly two Loades of Coales according as I did before and if he doe refuse soe to doe my will is that the land shall redound backe again unto my father Robert Warrin
Item I doe give unto my sister Anne Warrin five poundes
All the rest of my goodes unbequeathed my funerall expences discharged and my bodie brought decently to the ground I doe give and bequeath unto Anthony Bennet my Father in lawe whom I doe make my executor to distribute at his pleasure unto my wife Brethren and Sisters
And I doe intreate George Marsh and Christophe Sills to be Supervisors of this my last will and Testament
In witness whereof these have sett to there handes the daye and yeare first above written by the apointement of mee
William Warrine
George Marshe
Oliver Bennett his marke
Christopher Sills
The debtes that I the said William Warren doth owe
Imprimis unto my Brother John Warren iii li
Item to my Brother Anthonie Warren xxxs
Itm for Bread that was bought at Bottesfort iiiis
Item to my Sister Anne Warren ii li
Item to the weaver xiiiid
From Anthony Warrin payd that his brother oweth him ls
And to Ann Warren ls
A True and perfecte Inventorie of all the goods Cattles Chattles and debts of William Warren late of Plungar in the Countye of Leicester yeoman deceased taken and priced the second daye of March in the yeare of our Lorde god 1631 [1631/32] by us Christopher Sills Richarde Langley and Olliver Bennite and William Orson
Imprimis his purse and his Appell | xxxs |
In the hall | |
Item one table one frame three buffett stolles one chayre six quoshians one reckon one fire | |
Iron three hookes one paire of Tonges and other Implements | xxs |
In the best Parlor | |
It one Cupborde one truss bed three chests one framed cheare | xliiis iiiid |
Item one mattris three coverlidds one blanckett eight yards of wollinge cloth | lvs |
It one paire of linninge Sheets three paire of hempeinge sheets three paire of harden sheets | |
two table cloathes sixe pillow beares sixe linninge napkins tenn hempinge napkins one | |
cupborde Cloath | iii li |
It twelve pewter dishes two candlesticks two salts one pewter Chamber pott one pewter cupp | |
and other Implements | xxxiiis iiiid |
In the outer Parlor and Chamber | |
It two bedds one haire Cloath three spinninge Wheeles two flitches of Bacon and other | |
Implements | xxxvis viiid |
In the Butterey | |
It three brass panns two Barrells two Brass potts one fryinge pann one cherne with dishes and | |
trenchers and other Implements | xxvis viiid |
in the Kitchin | |
It one Leade one mashfatt one youlefatt one kimnell one mouldinge boarde with other | |
Implements | xxs |
In the yarde | |
It all the corne in the barne and Chambers with the hay and Barley fallowes | xxiii li |
It the horses and horse geares the plowes and plow geares and timber in the yarde two | |
harrowes and other Implements | xx li |
It Seaven bease and three Calves | xvi li |
It two Swine | xvis |
It the Sheepe | xx li |
Soma total | lxxxxvi li xiid |
Signum Christopher Sills
Richard Langley
Signum Olliver Bennite
William Orson
Probate 5 May 1632