William Tubman of Nether Broughton 1593 will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/214
In the name of god Amen the seaven and Twentie day of Auguste An Dno 1592 and in the xxxiiii yeare of hir majestys raigne I Willm Tubman of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leic laborer Doe make my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
Firste I bequethe my Soule to Almyghtie god my maker and redemer and by whome onlye I trust to be saved and my bodye to be buryed within the Churche yarde of Nether Broughton above written
Imprimis I give and bequethe to my Sonne Rowland Tubman Syx pence
Also I give to my Daughter Anne Glenne Syx pence
I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Pycforke Syx pence
Also I give to my daughter Margaret Rayner Syx pence
Also I give and bequethe to my Sonne Robt Tubman and to his heirs Lawfullye begotten of his bodye all my howse and landes building pastures meadowes leayes wood or what soever lyinge and beinge within the towne and feldes & parrishe of Goadbie with all and synguler the appurtenances thereto belonging and for defaulte of suche essewe to the Right heires of me the said Willm Tubman for ever
Also I give and bequethe to my Sonne Rychard Tubman after the decease of my wife tenne shillinge
I give and bequethe to my daughter Elizabeth Pycforke the beste brasse pott she giving Willm Tubman three shyllinge foure pence before she take it awaye
Also I give and bequethe to my Son Willm Tubman all the wooden stuffe without the dores
Also I will that my goods within the house be devided in three parts and that my wyffe shall have one part and that my Sonne Willm Tubman shall have the other two partes
Also I make Ales Tubman my Wyffe my Soole executor
Also I give to the Churche of Nether Broughton two pence
These beinge witnesses
Willm Wright
Raphe Wright
Robt Tayler
Probate 4 April 1593