Trencom Thomas 1636 of Scalford Inventory

Thomas Trencom of Scalford 1636 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/38/50

A true and iust Inventory of all the goods cattell and chattells whatsoever of Thomas Trencom late of Scallforde in the County of Leicester yeoman deceased taken Indented and made the eight and twentyth day of Aprill Ao 1636 by Bartine Hough Richard Steele Thomas Howitt John Musson and William Francis

Imprimis his purse girdle and apparel five markes030608
Itm in the hall one long table one short table two chayres and other stooles
a marke001304
Itm one spit, a paire of cobirons, a fire iron, a gallowtree a fier shovel a payre
of tongues and potthookes &c a crowne000500
Itm in the lodging parlor two bedsteads one cubbard and three chests three
Itm in the other parlour two bedsteads and one coffer a pound010000
Itm in the butterie foure barrells and one thrall twelve shillings001200
Itm in the Kitchin one leade foure cowls a cheesepresse one moulding board
a leavin trough, a scaffolde and some other odd implements six and thirty
shillings eight pence011608
Itm two brasse pottes seaven pannes and one chafin dish foure and fiftie
Itm one flaggon with twelve peices of pewter a pound010000
Itm one double salte, two other saltes two cuppes five candlestickes eight
porringers three sawcers, one pestell and a morter a marke001304
Itm two featherbeds three bolsters and sixe pillowes three pounds and ten
Itm foure matrisses a pound010000
Itm five coverliddes five nobles011304
Itm three paire of blanckittes nine yards of white cloath and foure yards of
Russet cloath sixe and thirty shillings011600
Itm seaven paire and an halfe of flaxen sheetes three pounds030000
Itm seaven paire and an halfe of other hempen and harden sheetes
Thirty shillings011000
Itm three wheeles one strike one flaskitt one cheesecratch with other trifleing
implements in the chamber ten shillings001000
Itm three flaxen table cloathes, two hempen table cloathes two towells foure
pillowbeares and two dozen napkins two pounds020000
Itm one scaffolde of cart tymber & plough tymber with the coles one paire of
quernes one raile of pales one hors manger and a racke &c in the Stable
two pounds020000
Itm two cartes two great harrowes and two ploughes and the wood in the
stacke yard one hovell of tymber the ladders the fleakes and the sheepe
cribbes eight pounds080000
Itm five horses and mares and one foale with the cartgeares and plough
geares thirty pounds300000
Itm eight kine & two sturkes twenty pounds200000
Itm three and fiftie sheepe sixeteene pounds160000
Itm two pigges & three flickes of bacon thirty shillings011000
Itm the swine troughes eighteene pence000106
Itm three cockes one capon and eight hennes ten groates000304
Itm for ploughing three and twenty acres of land seaven and fiftie shillings
and sixe pence021706
Itm for the manure in the yards foure nobles010608
Itm two sithes, old iron, forkes, rakes, and other husbandrie implements
Ten groates000304
Itm for the whole cropp of corne and hay in the feildes Ao 1636 sixty foure
Itm for corne in the barne and corne in the chambers & hay in the barne sixe
Itm other odd implements for husbandry & housekeeping which (may chance)
to have beene forgotten two shillings  000200
The whole Inventorie cometh to the summe total of one hundred foure score
and two pounds foure shillings and eight pence1820408

Exhibited 29 April 1636