Richard Travis of Plungar 1564 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1565/52
Also probate copy PR/I/256
In the name of god Amen the xxix day of May In the year of our lord god 1564 and in the vi year of the raygne of our sovraygne ladye quene Elyzabeth I Rychard Trevysse of Plynger in the Countye of Leicester being sycke of bodye but holle of mynde & in good & parfyt Remembrance thankes be to god make & ordayne this my present Testament here in my Laste will in maner & forme following that ys to saye
Fyrste I beqethe my solle to allmyghty god my maker & Redemer and my bodye to be buryed in the parishe churchyard of Plunger & I bequethe to the mother churche of Lyngcolne iiiid
Itim to the parishe churche of Barston a bushell of barley
Allso I owe unto Mathew Dixsone of Barston xxxiiis iiiid wherfor I will that thys dett & all other dettes & duyes as I owe of ryght or of conscience to anye persone or persones be well & trulye contented & payd by myne exeutors hereafter named
Allso I geve unto Ales my wyfe & to my Towe dayghters Elyzabethe & Jane all my houshold stuffe within the dores
Itim I geve to my sone Roger my draught beasse my wynne geares & plowe geares to occupye this farme with his mother durynge her widowehood & if she marye he to have the farme & all the teame And I give to all Alles my wyfe all my kyne
Itim I geve to Jane my dayghter a lambe
Itim I geve to Thomas Trevisse my sonne xiiis iiiid one noble to be payd at Christemas Twelvemonde after the date hereof & the other noble to be payd at Christemas next after that
Itim I geve to my sonne Rychard Trevisse xxs to be payd at two severall dayes of payment so soone as my execytors shalbe able
And of this my present wyll I make the sayd Alles my wyfe & Roger Trevisse my sonne my full executors & I make & ordayne Mathewe Dicsson of Barston overseyer & supervisor of this my laste will and testyment desiring hym for the love of god to see my detts payd my legacies fullfylled & kepte & he to have for his paynes takynge xiid
And I utterlye Revocke all other willes before named
In Witnesse
William Smythe
Henry Buge
John Blancknye
Probate 25 June 1565