Thrumpton Raphe of Stathern 1620 will and inventory

Raphe Thrumpton of Stathern 1620 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1620

In the name of god Amen I Raphe Thrumpton of Statherne in the Countie of Leicester husbandman being perfect in memorie but weake in bodie doe make and ordeine this my last will and testament as followeth

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of almightie god trusting onely to be saved by and through the meritts of Jesus Christ my onelie mediatour and redeemer and my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Statherne aforesaide

Impris I give unto Thomas Thrumpton my eldest sonne Twentie poundes Current money of England to be paied within a yeare after my decease

Item I give unto his Children fourtie shillings to be paied unto their father or mother for their use within two yeares after my death provided alwaies and my will is, that if my sonne Thomas aforesaid doe lay any Challenge or Claime unto any part of my lands and goods, other than the legacies given unto him and his Children by this my last will and testament, that then it shalbe lawfull for the Executour to detaine the saide Legacies in his owne hands, and not to pay any of the same

Item I give unto my daughter Cassanders Children three pounds to be paied to them within two yeares after my decease

Item I give unto Thomas Pagitt and Elizabeth Pagitt my daughters Children three poundes to be paied within two yeares after my death

Item I give unto my daughter Cassander Ten shillings

Item I give unto the poore of Statherne five shillings to be paied at the day of my burial

Item I give unto my sister Margarett Caunt five shillings

Item I give unto my sonne Roger Thrumpton my house, land, and all other goods moveable and unmoveable not already bequeathed

Lastlie I make my sonne Roger Thrumpton the Sole Executor of this my last Will and testament

In witnesse whereof I have sett too my hand and seale this sixt of December this present yeare of our Lord 1620

The marke of Raphe Thrumpton

Sealed and published in the presence of us

Roger Derham

Thomas Linslie

The mark of Nicholas Barnes

Henry Rofe


A trewe and perfect inventorie of all the goods and Chattells and Cattell of Raffe Thrumpton of Statherne in the Countie of Lecester in his possession at the hower of his deathe, prised by James Rouse the elder John Whittell and Gabrill Caunte the seconde of Februarie in the yeare of oure Lord 1620

In primis his pursse and Apperell iii li vis viiid
Item a cubbert and the furniture to witt the puter xvis
Item twoe Chares and the table with fourme and twoe kitts vis viiid
Item foure pare of sheetes and twoe pillowbeares xxiiiis iiiid
Item one bedde and the furniture xvis
Item foure Coffers viiis
Item the presse with the furniture there to xs
Item twoe brasse pots and three panns xxs
Item twoe barrells and other things in the … iiiis
Item boultinge vessell with one bedstead scuttles and siffes xs
Item eight pounde of yarne for Coverlett iis viiid
Item for foure draught Oxen with a mare and a fole xvi li
Item twoe waynes with wind geares plowe and plowgeare with som trayes ii li xs
Item foure … of wheate iii li
Item a little barly hovell with all the timber thereto belonginge xls
Item a hovell of haye with a parcell in the Barne vi li
Item A hovell of pease with the timber belonginge thereto vi li
Item the Coole house with A ladder and a troughe viiis
Item six melche kyne with certain heffers and calfes xi li
Item barlie and malte xii li
Item eighteine sheepe vi li
Item five swine xxxs
Item fire iron pot hookes pichforkes and other goods as spits … and … xs
Item A croppe of wheate onn the grounde xxvis viiid
                                                                     Summa totalis lxxvii li xviiis iiiid  

Probate 31 January 1620/1