Richard Thompson of Long Clawson 1610 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/232/153
In the name of god Amen I Richarde Tomson of Claxton in the Countie of Leceister Laborer, beinge sicke of bodye but of good & perfecte memorye (prayesed bee god) this 30th of June in the seventh yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne lorde James by the grace of god of Englande France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith &c of Scotlande the 42th doe make & ordayne this my laste will & testament in manner followeinge
Imprimis I give my soule to god that gave it & my bodie to bee buried [“in the” missing] Churche yarde of the parishe Churche of Claxton aforesd
Itm I give to the pooreste sorte of our poore of Claxton 2s
Itm I give unto my sonne Thomas Tomson fourtie shillinges presently to bee put forwarde towardes his filliall portion also I give unto him 2 kyne likewise to goe forwarde for him either att the daye of his mothers marriage or the daye of his age of 21tie yeares which first Commeth
I also give my sd sonne Thomas a Chest which was myne owne
Itm I give & bequeave unto that Child the which my wife nowe goeth with (If it please god to send it life & healthe) a Cowe att the age of 21tie yeares, & also foure sheepe
Itim I give unto my landlorde Hubberdes Children amongst them equallye 2 lambes
Itim I give unto my brother Robert Leavers his Children 1 lambe
Itim I give unto Marye Leavers the daughter of Peeter Leavers one lambe
The rest of all my goodes moveable and unmoveable whatsoever unbequeaved I give and bequeave unto Johne Tomson my loveinge wife whome I make sole & full executor of this my last will & testament to see my sd Legacies discharged
Lastly I make & ordeyne my brothers in Lawe Robert & William Leavers overseers of my last will & testament
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright minister
Robert Leavers his marke
Willm Levers
John Leevers his marke
Probate 20 April 1610