Thomasman John 1680 of Saxelby Will

John Thomasman als Simpson of Saxelby 1680 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1680/191

In the name of god Amen I John Thomasman als Simpson of Saxelby in the County of Leicester Sen beinge weake in body but of perfect memory do make & ordaine this my last will & testament in maner & form following

First I give & bequeath my soule to almighty god & my body to the earth in hope of resurrection unto everlasting life through Jesus Christ my Saviour

And as to my earthly estate I give as followeth

Imp Whereas I gave 200 li for a certaine Lease which I took of the Lady Englefeild  deceased & of Sir Francis Englefeild for her son of the house & lands I now possess in Saxelby to hold to me & my 2 daughters Mary & Ann successively for 99 years if any of us so longe live And whereas my 2 daughters are since marryed (vizt) my daughter Mary to John Tomisman als Simpson the younger of Saxelby & my other daughter Ann to Willm Mellors [?] of Frisby in this County & having received portions in marryage hath joyntly & severally granted released & assigned unto me their severall interests remainders & all claims whatsoever of or in the premises & every their appurtenances Now my will is That my beloved wife An shall have hold & enjoy to her sole use & behoofe all the premises untill my son Jesper attain the age of one & twenty yeares if she so longe live she maintaining my younger children out of the same And after my son Jesper shall attaine the age of One & twenty yeares then if my said wife be living my will is That my wife & son Jesper shall have & enjoy each of them one moiety or half part the whole in 2 equall parts to be divided And after my wifes decease my son Jesper to have the whole lease of years granted by the said Lease on condition that when he comes of age of one & twenty yeares or sooner possession he pay unto my daughter Mary five pounds And that if the said Jesper die without issue & my daughter Mary happen to survive then the remaining term of yeares in the said Lease shall goe to my said daughter Mary nevertheless my will is that if my son Jesper & his issue do enjoy the full term of yeares granted by the said Lease my will is That he pay & discharge all … & other dues payable by the said Lease or soe much as shall be due or reserved to the Landlord while he or they enjoy the same

Itm I give to my daughter Elizabeth now the wife of Charles Stringer five pounds

Itm I give to my daughter Jone five pounds to be paid at the age of One & Twenty or day of Marryage which shall first happen

To my daughter Mary & Ann each of them twelve pence

All the rest of my goods Chattells & Cattells I give unto my beloved wife Ann payinge my debts & funerall charges

Lastly I make & ordaine my said wife Ann Execrix of this my last will & testament which I seale & publish the first day of December 1680

Memorandum before the sealinge hereof I declare my further will & pleasure is That if my son Jesper shall come to the possession of the whole premises he shall pay unto my 2 daughters Elizabeth & Jone each of them five pounds within 2 years after his such possession And if either of my said 2 daughters be dead the said porcon to goe to their children if they or either of them leave any children And in like maner if my daughter Mary die that the 5 li aforesayd goe to her child

                                                                                                                John Tomasman als Simpson his marke

Sealed & published in presence of us

Willm Tomisman als Simpson his marke

… Nedham

Mary Hollingshead her marke


A true & perfect Inventory of the goods Cattells & Chattells of John Tomisman als Simpson of Saxelby in the County of Leicester thelder deceased taken the 18th day of December 1680 by John Kirkby Clerke & William Nedham Gent

Impris his purse & apparell030000
The Lease of the house & lands he died seized of400000
9 beast younge & old one of which belongs as a Heriott to the Landlord valued
at 40s100000
2 Swyne021000
Pease hay barley & wheate100000
13 Sheepe010000
The Clods & 3 roods of wheate080000
Howshold goods
In the house
2 Tables 1 Cubberd 2 formes fire Irons Racking & other Lumber011000
In the parlour
3 Bedsteads 2 Chests 1 fetherbed 3 materises 6 blanketts 2 Coverlids
Curtaines 5 pillowes 4 paire of sheets020000
In the Chamber
4 strike Malt a peck wheat000800
Brasse pewter Coles & other Lumber020000

William Nedham

John Kirkby

 Exhibited 12 February 1680/1