Festus Teyler of Nether Broughton 1640 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1640/74
v Day of May Anno Dom 1640
In the name of God Amen the Daie & yeare above written I Festus Telier of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester husbandman being sicke in bodie but in good & perfect Remembrance the Lorde be praised therefore I Doe Constitute and make this my Laste will and Testament in manner & forme following That ys to saie
First and principall is I doe Comende my Soule into the hands of Allmyghtie God my maker and Redeemer assuredlie trusting that by and thorough the onelie merritts of Christ Jesus my onelie Saviour and Redemer I shall have perfect Remission of all my synnes And my bodie I doe Comend to the earth from whence it Came to be Decentlie buried in the Church yarde of Nether Broughton aforesd And touchinge all my worldlie goodes wherewith the God hath beene pleased to blesse mee I Doe Dispose of them as followeth That is to Saie
My will ys That yf Isabell my wife Doe marrie agayne then I Doe give and bequeath unto Joanne Telier my eldest Daughter the sume of Sixe pounds Thirteene shillings and four pence of Currant English money to be paied unto her upon her marriage daie of her the saide Isabell
And I doe allsoe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Telier my second daughter yf my saide wife Isabell Doe marrie againe the like some of Sixe poundes thirteene shillings and foure pence of Currant English money to be paid unto her upon the marriage Daie of her the said Isabell
And I doe allsoe give & bequeath unto my twoe youngest Daughters namelie to Jane Telier and to Marie Telier the some of Thirteene poundes six shillings and eight pence of Currant English money to be equallie Devided betwixt them and to be well & trulie paid unto them the saide Jane and Marie or to such persons as they or either of them shall make Choyce of to receave the same to theire use within one yeare next after the marriage Day allsoe of her the saide Isabell my wife
And the rest of my goodes and Cattell unbequeathed my Debts beinge paide and my funeralle Discharged I Doe give and bequeath unto Isabell my wife whome I Doe make my Sole Executrixe of this my last Will and Testament and soe trust in the marcies of God abideinge his good pleasure
In Testymony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand And seale In the presence of hus
Festus Teiler his marke and seale
Anthony Marrite marke
Willyam Simson marke
Richard Browne
Probate 6 October 1640