Sycamore Lodge, Green Lane Domesday Bk 2000/Millennium Contact Bench marks Hickling Canal and Doris Bella – scroll down Bench mark at Sycamore Lodge: Bench marks From the Wadkin Archives: W0041 Woolley family c.1883W0041 Woolley family c.1883W0041a Woolley family c.1883W0041a Woolley family c.1883W0041aa Woolley family c.1883W0041aa Woolley family c.1883W0045 Emma Woolley/NorthW0045 Emma Woolley/NorthW0045a Emma Woolley/NorthW0045a Emma Woolley/NorthW0045aa Emma Woolley/NorthW0045aa Emma Woolley/NorthW0045b Emma Woolley/NorthW0045b Emma Woolley/NorthW0051 Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051 Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051a Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051a Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051aa Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051aa Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051aaa Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0051aaa Bert Woolley with bull - Sycamore LodgeW0787 Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - biographyW0787 Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - biographyW0787a Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Malt House Farm in backgroundW0787a Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Malt House Farm in backgroundW0787aa Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Malt House Farm in backgroundW0787aa Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Malt House Farm in backgroundW0787b Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Sycamore LodgeW0787b Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Sycamore LodgeW0787bb Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Sycamore LodgeW0787bb Herbert (Bert) William Woolley - Sycamore Lodge