Swain Thomas 1678 of Long Clawson will and inventory

Thomas Swaine of Long Clawson 1678 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1678/46

In the name of god Amen I Thomas Swaine of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester shepard being weake of body but of a disposeing mind doe make & ordaine this to be my last will & Testament in maner & forme following

Imprimis I give & bequeath my Soule to god that gave it & my body to be buryed in the Church yard of Clawson aforesaid & as for my worldly goods I doe dispose of as followeth

Imprimis I give & dispose my house wherein I now dwell with all the appurtenances unto my loveing wife dureing hir naturall life and after hir death I doe give my said house with all the appurtenances unto my Son John Swaine & the heires of his Body lawfully begotten & for default of such Issue then I doe give & dispose my house aforesaid unto my son William Swaine & his heires for ever with this proviso that my son William doe pay unto my daughter Ann Swaine five pounds Currant money within the space of one yeare after he be possessed of the house aforesaid

Item I give to my daughter Ann Swaine my best Chest

All the rest of my household goods I doe give unto my loveing wife

Item I doe give unto my Son George Swaine twelve pence for his portion of my goods

All the Rest of my goods whatsoever undisposed of I doe give unto my son William Swaine whome I doe appoint Sole Executor of this my last will & Testament Revokeing all other wills by me formerly made

In wittnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the first day of Aprill in yeare of our lord one thousand six Hundred seaventy Eight

                                                                                                         The marke & seale of Thomas Swaine

Signed sealed published & declared by the said Thomas Swaine & in the presence of us who set to our hands as wittnesses in his presence

Thomas Marriott Senior

William Dafte

Richard Leake


June the 24 1678

A True & perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattell & Chattells of Thomas Swaine apprized & taken by us whose names are hereto subscribed the day & yeare above writen

  £ s d
Imprimis his purse & apparel 1 0 0
Item In the house one Cubberd one Table fire Iron reckins & other materialls 1 6 8
Item In the parlour Two bed steads & the furniture to them Two Chests & other      
things in them 5 5 6
Item in the Chambers Two bed steads boards Tubs one Cimmill & other      
materialls 0 14 0
Item in the buttery milke vessel two barrells puter & brasse & other small things 1 10 6
Item Corne Growing 3 10 0
Item bease sheepe & one swine 6 1 4
Item pullen & other things unseen & forgotten & out of sight 0 3 4
                                                                                                                       Sume 19 11 4

Thomas Marriott Senior

William Dafte

Robert Wright

John Marriott

Probate 23 July 1678