Isabell Swain of Long Clawson 1739 Inventory and Administration
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Record 1738
An Inventory of the Goods Catel and Chatels of Isabell Swane Latly deceased vewed and vallued by us whoes names are here under writen this fift day of March 1738/9
Imprimus hir poss & Apparil Cash & Credit | 2 | 07 | 06 |
2 Cowes | 5 | 05 | 00 |
2 pig troues & swilin tub hay & straw Gos & Thorns & Maner | 1 | 14 | 08 |
Puter 7 dishes 8 poringers 19 spoons 2 salts 2 cups musterd holder fram botel | |||
candlestick A tin & Ann dish | 1 | 10 | 06 |
Five Litel Cetels & A warmin pan, 18 trenchers 2 Morters | 1 | 05 | 06 |
In the hous three tables & A dresser & ten Chears | 1 | 01 | 00 |
Fir iern hucks & Rackin Candelsticks Smothing iern friin pan | 0 | 11 | 00 |
Pestil seeing glass & our Glas A sith saw pinsons & hamer | 0 | 03 | 06 |
Two tubs 2 barils chorn 2 cices chees bords & ches lats | 0 | 14 | 06 |
Sile & chese briges poles & panshins dishes & spoons | 0 | 03 | 00 |
The chees lade buter waightes & pound stone | 0 | 02 | 00 |
Two beeds in the parler bedin A chest & box | 1 | 08 | 00 |
In the chamber 3 chistes and A box | 1 | 01 | 00 |
A bed & beding two close flascets & a scep | 1 | 11 | 06 |
A table cloth 4 napcins 2 sheetes & pillowbers | 0 | 13 | 06 |
Lining yarn two whels a keel & A woling wheel | 01 | 05 | 00 |
Three striks of wheat 4 St barly & 6 striks pees | 1 | 05 | 00 |
Five sines a peck & half peck 2 bags A per hampers | 0 | 07 | 06 |
3 leathers for forks & A rake a shvel & a spade | 0 | 06 | 00 |
Three pound of … & 2 sheetes two bords | 0 | 04 | 00 |
For one wheat Land sone & 4 pees Lands 1 Clot land to soe | 2 | 05 | 00 |
Things unseen & for Goten | 0 | 01 | 00 |
25 | 15 | 08 |
Thomas Hoe
John Marriott
George Dewell Esquire, Batchelor of Law, Official Principal of the Arch Deaconry of Leicester lawfully Authorised, To all and singular Clerks and literate Persons whomsoever appointed in and throughout the whole Arch Deaconry of Leicester aforesaid and especially to the Reverend Dr Wm Turvile Vicar of Long Claxton otherwise Long Clawson Greeting; We doe hereby strictly require and comand ye or some one of ye by publication of these Presents in the Parish Church of Long Clawson aforesaid on Sunday the Eleventh Day of this Instant March during the Celebration of Divine Service therein peremptorily to Cite all and singular the next of Kin and all others whomsoever who have or pretend to have any Right, Title, or Interest in or unto the Goods, Rights, Creditts, Chattles, and Personal Estate of Isabel Swane late of Long Clawson aforesaid Widow Deceased to appear before Us or our lawfull Surrogate in the Parish Church of Saint Martin in Leicester in the accustomed place there on Saturday the Seventeenth Day of this Instant March between the Hours of Eight and twelve in the forenoon of the same Day to show Just and lawfull Cause (if they have any) why Administration of all and singular the Goods and Personal Estate of the said Deceased should not be granted to John Parnham of Hose Principal Creditor of the said Deceased; And We doe hereby further require ye or some one of ye peremptorily to Intimate unto the said several Persons so to be Intimated unto as aforesaid that if they or some of them doe not appear at the time and place before mentioned, or appearing doe not show Just and lawfull Cause to the contrary We or our Surrogate doe Intend and will proceed to grant Administration of the said Deceased’s Goods and Personal Estate to the said John Parnham their absence or Contumacy in any wise notwithstanding. Given at Leicester under the Seal of our Office the Tenth Day of March In the Year of our Lord (according to the Computation of the Church of England) One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight.
R Stephens Depty Register
On Sunday the 11th Day of March 1738 this Mandate was published in the Parish Church of Long Clawson In time of Divine Service therein
By me Wm Turvile Vicar
Bond, bound John Parnham of Hose husbandman and Robert Garton the younger of Long Clawson farmer £50 17th March 1738/9. Condition bound John Parnham lawful creditor and Administrator to produce inventory and administer estate.
John Parnham
Robert Garton