John Stokes of Ab Kettleby 1588 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1588/75
In the name of God Amen The xxvith daie of June the yeare of our Lorde god 1585 and the xxviith yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France & Ireland Queene defender of the faith &c I John Stokes of Ab Kettlebye in the Countie of Leicester husbandman beinge of whole mynde & in good & perfect remembrance praised be god therefore make & ordaine this my present Testament conteyninge therein my last will in maner & fourme followinge
First I comende my Soule into the hands of Almightie god maker of heaven and Earthe &c And my bodie to be buried in the parishe Church of Ab Kettlebie aforesaid &c
Item I give & bequeath to John Stokes my sonne two horses & one mare with Cart & Carte geares and Ploughe & ploughe geares with all my hovells
Item I give to Robart Stokes my sonne foure sheepe & a Yonge mare & one quarter of Rye & barlie
Itm I give to Richard Stokes my sonne foure Shepe & two kyne & one quarter of Corne
Itm I give to Henrye Stokes my sonne one quarter of Corne of Rye & barlie & to everie one of his children a lambe and to his wife one pewter platter
Ite I give to Margerie Stokes my daughter all my houshold stuffe
Itm I give to my daughter in lawe my son Johns wife one pewter platter & to everie one of Johns Children a lambe
Itm I give to Willm my daughter Margeries sonne one sheepe
Item I will that my debtes shalbe paid & my funerall expenses discharged of the whole & the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give to John Stokes my sonne whome I make my full & whole executor of this my last will & Testament
These being witnesses
Thomas Neale Vicar there, Robart Blankley, & Robart Stokes with others
The Inventorie of all the Goods Cattaills & debts of John Stokes of Ab Kettlebye in the countie of Leic deceased praised by Robart Blankley & Willm Sheppsby the xvith daye of December 1587
First his apparrell | xxs |
Item in his purse | iiix iiiid |
Item in the house one brasse pan, and iii brasse potts, & two other little pannes | xxvis viiid |
Itm xii pewter platters, ii saucers, one porringer, one salt, two Candlesticks | xis |
Itm ii old Cupbords & ii old covers | xs |
Itm ii old Coverleds one flaxen sheete and ii pillobeares | vis viiid |
Itm one table, one fourme, & a Chaire | xiid |
Itm in barlie pease & heye | vii li |
Itm iii horses | v li |
Itm one Cowe & a heifer | xls |
Itm xiii shepe | liiis iiiid |
Itm the Cart & cart geares, ploughe & ploughe geares | iii li |
Itm one old hovel with the pales | xs |
Itm viii Swine | xxxs |
Itm one Acre & a halfe of Rye & wheate sowne | xxs |
Sume xxvi li xiis |
Probate 7 May 1588