Anthony Stokes of Long Clawson 1575 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1575
In The name of gode Amen in the yereof oure lorde gode a Thousande five hunderethe seaventie and fyve the xith daye of Auguste and in the xviith yereof the Raigne of Eizabeathe by the grace of gode Quene of Englande France and Irelande Defender of the faithe &c wittnessethe that I Anthonie Stocks of Claxton beinge sicke in bodye and of good and perfecte rememberance doe ordayne and make this my laste will and Testamente in maner and forme hereafter followinge
Fyrste I bequiethe my soule unto allmightie gode my maker and Redemer and my bodye to be buried in the churche yarde of Claxton my parishe churche
It to my Curate for all my tythes necligentlye [“forgotten” missing] yf enye suche be xiid
It to the poore manns boxe xiid
It to the mendinge of the hyghe waies iiiid
It I bequiethe to Joane Stockes my wyffe my farme and tenements with all Thappurtenances unto my sonne Roberte Stokes come to the age of xviiith yeres and Then I will that my sonne Roberte have ytt or to have my howse in Notingham during his lyffe so that he paye yerelye during his lyffe xxvis viiid unto my sonne Anthonie Stokes and Then my sonne Anthonie Stockes to have my farme in Claxton during the Indenture
Also I wyll that and yf my wyffe doe marie againe that he that doethe marie her dooe occupie the oxgange in the weste ende of Claxton unto the use of my sonnes Anthonie and Roberte so well as his owne att the sighte of honeste neighboures
Itm I will that Joane Stockes my wyffe have my oxgange of Lande and howse in the weste ende of Claxton beinge a lone woman and widowe rente free or ells nott
It I ordayne and make Anthonie Stockes my eldest sonne heire of all my lande and tenements in Notingham Claxton and Kettulbie to him and his heires for ever
It I will that Anthonie Stockes and Roberte Stockes my sonns doe geve yerelye a stricke of wheat betwixte them unto the poore untill Anthonye Stokes come to the age of xx yeares
It I will thatt all my goods and Cattells be equallie devided betwixte Joane my wyffe and all my Childeren
It I wyll that if enye of my childeren departe before they be of Lawfull age that then there partes to remayne amongest the rest
It I will that and yf Joane Stockes my wyffe doe marie agayne that my Brother George Stockes take order for the rent of my lands to the behalf of my Childeren
It I wyll that and yf my mother be Desolate of Livinge I will that she come and be kepte with my childeren as well as they are able duringe her Lyffe
It I doe acknowledge my selfe deter to my mother vi li xviiis and xiiis iiiid for certayne …
It one Nicholas Hardinge doethe owe me xxxviiis of the which my sonne Anthonie Stockes shall have xiiis iiiid
It I geve to Roberte Stockes ann yron bounde wayne
It Edwarde Wyte of Notingeham doethe owe me xxxiiis
It Willm Irelande of Ragdale doethe owe me xxis
It Willm Gye doethe owe me xxs
It Hughe Stevens dothe owe me vis viiid
It I ordayne and make my Brother George Stockes Michaell Browne and Edwarde More supvisores of this my Last will and Testament
It I ordayne and make Joane Stockes my wyffe and Anthonie Stockes my sonne executors of this my last will and Testament
Theise wittnesses Christopher Goodman Vicar Michaell Browne and Willm More
Probate 16 November 1575