John Stacy of Ab Kettleby 1676 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1676/109
In the Name of God Amen the twoe & twentith day of July in the Eight & twentith yere of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God, Kinge of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the faith &c Annoq Domini 1676 I John Stacy of Ab Kettleby in the countie of Leicester yeoman being weake in body but of a sound & perfect mind & memory (blessed by god for it) calling to mind the uncertainety of Humaine life Doe make & ordaine this my last will & testamt in manner following
First I give & resigne my soule into the hands of God my maker & Creator trusting to be saved by the meritts of Jesus Christ my Mercifull Saviour & Redeemer
And as for my bodie I comend it to the earth where it came from to be decently inter’d in the Church of Ab Kettleby aforesaid at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named
And as for my worldly estate goods & chattles which god hath bene pleased to lend me, I doe devise give & bequeath the same as followeth (that is to say)
First I give & bequeath unto the poore of Ab Kettleby aforesaid five pounds of lawful money of England to be putt forth for theire advantage, & that the Interest & increase thereof from time to time shall be paid & distributed unto & amongst them yerely & evrie yere at the feast day of St Thomas the Apostle by & with the consent of the Minister & Overseers of the poore for the time being of Ab Kettleby aforesaid & the Occupier of the Messuage wherein I now live
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto the poore of Thrussington in the said countie of Leicester the like sume of five pounds of like lawfull money of England to be putt forth alsoe for their advantage & that distributed unto & amongst them yerely & evrie yere at the said feast of St Thomas the Apostle by & with the consent of those that are feoffees or trustees of Mr Haynes will or of the Maior parte of them
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto the poore of Siston Fourty shillings to the poore of Seagrave fourty shillings to the poore of Nether Broughton fourty shillings to the poore of Longe Claxton thirty shillings to the poore of South … thirty shillings & to the poore of Barresby twenty shillings all which said townes are in the county of Leicester, and my will & mind is that the said Severall & respective sumes soe by mee given as aforesaid to the severall & respective poore of each said severall & respective towne shallbe paid by my executors herein hereafter named within sixe moneths next after my decease
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto my God daughter Ann Wilde fourty shillings to my Cosen Anthony Hoe twenty shillings & to all the rest of my God children seaven shillings apeice to buy books withall
Allsoe I Devise bequeath unto Mary my eldest daughter & to her heires & assignes for ever All my Messuages cottages closses lands tenements & hereditaments in the towne parish fields & precincts of Seagrave in the said county of Leicester upon condition that shee her heires or assignes doe and shall pay unto my kinsman Willm Stacy of Rearesby in the county of Leicester yeoman for & dureing his naturall life the Annuall or yerely sume of fourty shillings of lawfull money of England at twoe feasts in the yere to witt the feasts of St Michaell the Archangell & the annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary or within fourty dayes … … … by equall porcons the first payment thereof to begin & to be made at the first of the said feasts which shall next happen after my decease or within fourty dayes after the said feast
And in case any default of payment shall happen to be of the said Annuall or yerely sume of fourty shillings at the feasts aforesaid or within fourty days after either of the said feasts (being lawfully demanded) at the Messuage now in the occupation of one Willm Brewen in Seagrave aforesaid being parcell of the said premisses then my will & mind is & I doe hereby devise & bequeath the sd Messuage & all the lands belonging to or used with the same in the parish of Seagrave aforesd & now in the occupacon of the sd Willm Brewen unto the said Willm Stacy his heires & assignes for ever
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto my said Daughter Mary the sume of One hundred pounds of lawfull money of England which was left her by her Grandfather Robert Stacy & is now owing by & in the hands of Mr Willm Hurst
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto my sd daughter Mary the Bedstead & the furniture belonging to it & all the things in the Best chamber & unto Anne my youngest daughter & to her heires & assignes for ever All my Messuages lands tenemts & hereditaments in the town fields parish & precincts of Neather Broughton aforesd in the sd countie of Leicester
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto the sd Anne my sd daughter the best Bedstead & all the things in it (except the best chest)
Allsoe I give & bequeath to the said Anne five Joynt stooles & one of the best pewter dishes
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto my Extors hereafter named one yeres rents issues & profitts of all the said Messauges land & tenemts before devised & bequeathed unto my said daughters or to eitch of them (except the said Annuall Sume of fourty shillings before limitted to my sd Kinsman Willm Stacy (in case my personall estate undisposed shall happen to fall short of the full discharge of all my debts & legacies & funerall expences) to the intent they shall fully sattisfie pay & discharge the same, & equally devise the surplus thereof unto & betwixt my said daughters (if any be)
And in case my personall Estate undisposed will amount unto soe much or more (besides the said yeres rents of the said lands) as will discharge my debts legacies & funerall expences then my will is that in case any overplus be thereof it shallbe equally devided betwixt my said five daughters
And my will & mind is & I doe hereby nominate & appoint my Executors hereafter named to be Guardians for my said twoe daughters till they shall severally accomplish their severall ages of twentie & one yeres or dayes of theire severall & respective marriages which shall first happen & to receive & take the rents & profitts of theire severall & respective lands & tenemts untill then & to putt forth for theire best advantage what moneys shallbe … untill they shall be severally married or severally attaine to one & twenty yeres of age, & then my desire is that my said Extors shall pay & account unto them for the same
And I doe strictly enioyne my said twoe daughters to be ruled by then in all things & to have their consent & appbacon in their several Marriages if it shall please god they shall live to be married
And my will & mind is that my Extors shall not be at any charge whatsoever in or about the probate of this my last will & testamt or any thinge relating or concerneing it but that it shall be paid & discharged by them out of my personall estate
And I doe hereby give & bequeath unto each of my said Executors hereafter named five pounds for theire trouble & care taking herein
Allsoe I give & bequeath unto My Cosens John Cantrill Roger Cantrill Anne Cantrill Mary Cantrill & Katherine Cantrill & Constant Wileder twenty shillings apeice & unto my cosen Penelope Astill fourty shillings to be by her disposed upon her Children
All the rest of my goods chattles & cattles whatsoever (my debts Legacies & funerall expences being first paid & discharged) I Doe give &bequeath unto my brother in Law Mr Willm Wells & to my Cosen John More thelder whom I make & ordaine full & Joynt Executors of this my last will & testamt revokeing all former wills & testamts whatsoever by mee made & I doe hereby limit & appoint the same goods & chattles before given to my extors to be to the uses intents & purposes aforesd & to vest in them for the same ends & purposes & my will is that all theire charges & expences in & about his my will shall be paid & defrayed out of the same
In wittnes whereof I have to this my last will & testamt consisting of one halfe sheete of … written on both sides besides what is above written sett my hand & seale the day & yere first in the first side first above written
John Stacy
Signed sealed delivered & published as the last will & testamt of the said John Stacy in the presence of us
Ja Julian
John Dalbie
The marke of Willm Palmer
An Inventory of the Goods & Cattells & Chattells of John Stacey of Ab Kettleby deseased as he was apprised the second day of August 1676
£ | s | d | |
Impr his purs & Apparrele | 20 | 00 | 00 |
In the best Chamber | |||
One Bedsted with … … Curtaines & vellom one fether bed 2 bolsters 2 pillows | |||
2 blanketts one Coutypayn 3 Chayres 3 stooles 7 Turkey Cussions one Cubbard | |||
& one Table | 13 | 06 | 08 |
In the Chamber over the hall | |||
Two bedsteds with Curtaines one fether bed & other furniture thereunto | |||
belonging 2 Chests 1 Coffer | 08 | 00 | 00 |
in the hall | |||
One Fire Iron 1 Table 1 Furme 5 Joynt Stooles & five Chayres | 01 | 00 | 00 |
In the Parlor | |||
One bedsted with Curtaines & Vellom 1 Fether bed & Furniture 3 Coffers | 05 | 03 | 04 |
In the buttery 4 barreles with stalls | 00 | 10 | 00 |
In the Kitchin A small Copper with brewing vessels & some other Lumber | 02 | 10 | 00 |
For Linnen | 04 | 00 | 00 |
In Pewter & Braase of all sorts | 03 | 00 | 00 |
For things in the Dary | 00 | 13 | 04 |
For … & other … Timber | 03 | 00 | 00 |
In Thrassed Corne | 00 | 15 | 00 |
For Cows | 14 | 00 | 00 |
For Sheepe & Wooll | 22 | 00 | 00 |
For A Gelding bridle & Sadle | 04 | 10 | 00 |
For the Crop of Corne in the Feild & hay | 19 | 00 | 00 |
For Swine | 02 | 00 | 00 |
For Things unseen unprised & unthought of | 00 | 05 | 00 |
123 | 13 | 4 |
John Hurst
John Blankly
Probate 3 November 1676