Spick William 1595 of Ab Kettleby will and inventory

William Spick of Ab Kettleby 1595 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/216

In the name of God Amen The ixth daie of Marche the yeare of our Lord God 1594 and the xxxviith yeare of our Soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Queene defender of the faith &c I William Spicke of Ab Kettlebye in the Countie of Leicester husbandman beinge of whole mynde and in good and perfect [hole] praised be god therefore, make and ordaine this my present Testament contenyninge therein my last will in manner followinge

First I comende my Soule into the handes of Almightie God maker of heaven & Earth and of all things therein, assuring my selfe of eternall Salvation thorowe Christ Jesus our Saviour, knowinge to be saved throughe the same my bodie shall rise againe at the last daie unto eternall life

Item I geve to the Church of Ab Kettleby [hole]

Item I geve to the poore people of Ab Kettleby iis

Item I geve to everie one of my God children iiiid a peece

Item I geve & bequeath to my father Richard Spicke the beste …tree on the Roe

Item I geve & bequeath to William my Sonne the longe table in the house, the fourme the Quernes, the Leade, the best Carte & Carte geares, a Plough & Plough geares

All the rest of my Goods unbequeathed my debtes beinge first paid & my funeral expenses discharged I geve & bequeath them unto my wife & children to be devided between them equally by equall and even portions

Item I ordaine & make Susanna my wife my full & whole Executrix of this my last will and testament

Item I make William Black my father in lawe the Overseer of this my last will

These beinge witnesses, Thomas Neale Vicar of Ab Kettlebye, John Neale, & William Stokes with others


The Inventorie of all the Goods Cattells and Debts of William Spicke of Ab Kettlebye in the Countyie of Leicester husbandman deceased praised by these men the viiith day of May 1595 John Neale Willm Stokes & Wm Alsoppe

First his Apprell 13s iiiid
Item in the haule one long table, one foorme, on Chaire, one Cupboard, one penne, the docer  
cloth, two lynen wheeles, one wollen wheele with the fire Irons 35s
Item one greate brasse pan with two little pannes, three brasse potts and Chaffing dishe one  
… with 4 candlestickes, prise iii li xvs
Item vi pewter dishes, vi charges, ii saltes, iiii pewter porringers, with other old pewter xiiiis
Item in the Parlor two bedsteads xs
Item one featherbed with a boulster & three mattrisses xls
Item v bedhillings and two blankitts xxxs
Itm iiii coffers xiiiis
Item iiii paire of flaxen sheets, v pillowbeares, vi table napkings xls
Item v table Clothes and two Towells xxs
Item iiii paire of hempen sheetes xxs
Item iiii parie of harden sheetes xiis
Item the painted clothes in the parlor iiis iiiid
Item in the kytchinge one leade, one paire of old Quernes xs
Item ii troughes, one loome with other smale things xs
Itm in the Butterie two little tubes with foormes & other implements iiiis
Item two Plowes with colters & shares with plough geares and plough tymber, iii Iron harrows  
with pickforks & other things xxs
Item the hobells, sheepe Cratches, & … for shepe & other old wood xxxs
Item the kyne & the Sheepe xxi li
Item v Swine xvis
Item v horses & mares viii li
Item one Cocke & two hennes xiid
Item the pease sowne iiii li
Itm the Barlie liiis iiiid
Item two landes of wheate vis viiid
Item iiii lands of rye xxs
                            The Sume, the debtes not deducted is 61 li 4s 4d  
The debtes of William Spicke which he oweth are these  
First to my father Richard Spicke vi li
Item more to my father Richard Spicke iiis iiiid
Item to my Sister Hellene Spicke liiis iiiid
Item to Mr Neale vicar of Ab Kettlebye x li
Item to Willm Stokes iiis vid
Item to Michaell Pares xls
Itm to James Nottall of Broughtono due at Martillmes xliiiis
Itm to John Symson viiis
Itm to John Hurt iis iiiid
Itm to wydowe Pares vs
Itm to Willm Shepson xvs
Itm to John Pares ixs
The whole Sume the debtes beinge deducted is  
                                                              xxxiii li iiis xd  

Probate 6 May 1595