John Spick of Eastwell 1573 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1573
These are probate copies of the will which are written in the probate book in the order below and the second will continues on the same line after the end of the first will
In the name of god amen the xiiith day of Julye in the yere of our lorde god 1573 I John Spicke of Estewell in the countye of Leicester husbandman beinge of good and perfect remembrance thankes be geven unto almightie god doe make and ordayne this my last will and Testament in manner and forme Followynge
Fyrste I bequeth my soule to the great mercie of god and my body to the Earthe From whence yt came
Itm I geve to the church of Lincoln iiiid
Itm I geve to the churche of Estewell iiis iiiid
Itm I geve to the poore mans boxe theire viiid
Itm I geve to the parsonne for my tythes necligentlye Forgotton iiiid
Itm I geve to Joes Alam dowghter of Thomas Alam a brasse pott
Itm I geve to Margerie Spicke & Agnes Spicke the dowghters of John Spicke eyther of them a platter
Itm I geve to Isabelle Christian the dowghter of Willm xpian [sic] a platter
Itm I geve to Eliz Spicke the dowther of Willm Spicke a platter
Itm I geve to the iii dowghters of Roberte Kytchin everye one of theym a platter
Item I geve to everie one of my children childerne a yowe Shepe
Itm I geve to Nicholas my Sonne Fortye poundes of moneye to be paid to him or his assignes in manner and forme following that is xx li at the Feaste of Saint Martinne in wynter next after my Deceasse and at the Feaste of Philippe & Jacobe nexte after that x li and at the Feaste of Saint Martynne in wynter next after that x li in full contentacion & payment of the said Fortie poundes
It I geve to the said Nicholas a bullocke calfe goinge in Estewell pasture and a Cowe calfe in Harbye pasture a bay fyllye of ii yeares old a bedstead of boordes a materis a boulsted [sic] a blanket a coverlet a paire of Flaxen shetts and a paire of harden shetts
Itm I geve to the said Nicholas when he dothe occupie husbandrie for him selffe a yorne bounde wayne a youke and a teame a plowe with coulter and Ch…
Itm I geve to the said Nicholas one halfe yearde of lande which I have of Mr Ha… to be plowed and Sowen at the costes and chargis of my executor soe longe as the said Nicholas hathe the said Lande
Itm I geve to John Christian the sonne of William Christian vs in moneye
Itm I geve to Eliz Whyttell my mayd a harden shette and a lambe
Itm I geve to John Ingleton my manne a lambe
Itm I geve to Gregorie Hoose my manne a lambe to be delyvered unto theym at the discretyon of my Brother Nicholas Perpoynte & my overseers neyther of the beste nor of the worste
All the reste of my goods not bequethed I doe geve and bequethe to Richarde Spicke my Sonne whom I doe make the executor of this my laste will and testament
I will that John Spicke and Thomas Spicke my sonnes shalbe my overseers of this my laste will and Testamente
These beinge wyttnesses John Buxham clearke Nicholas Perpoynte and John Hicklinge with others
In the name of god Amen I John Spicke of Estewell in the countie of Leicester husbandman beinge hole in mynde and of good and perfecte remembrance thankes be geven to almightie god do this presente xiith day of Julie in the Fouretyne yeare of the rainge of our Soverainge Lady Elizabethe by the grace of god Quene of Ingland Fraunce and Ireland defender of the Faythe &c and in the yeare of our lorde god a thousand fyve hundrethe seventye too declare ordayne constitute and make this my laste will and Testament of all suche lands Tenements and hereditaments as I the said John Spicke doe Stande Sceased of in Estewell aforesaid In the countye of Leic or els wheare in anye other place in the countye of Leicester as heareafter Folowethe, That is to Saye
I geve and bequethe all that my house whearein I doe now dwell in Estewell in the countie of Leicester togeather with all and singuler my landes Tenements and hereditaments in the territorie Feyldes parishe Lymyts or boundes of Estewell aforesaid to Richard Spicke my sonne To have and to holde to the same to the said Richard and to the heyres males of his body Lawfullie begotton or to be gotton and for wante of Such Ishewe begotton of the bodye of the said Richard I will and bequethe all & singuler my said Landes Tenements or heredytaments lyinge in Estewell aforesaid or els wheare in the said countie of Leicester To Nicholas Spicke my Sonne To have and to holde The same to the said Nicholas and to the heires males of his bodye Lawfullie begotten or to be gotton and for wante of suche Isshewe begotton by the said Nicholas I will and bequethe my said mesuage and all other my landes Tenements and heredytaments in Estewell aforesaid or els wheare in the countye of Leicester To Thomas Spicke my Sonne To have and to holde the same to the said Thomas & the heires males of his bodye Lawfullie beggotton or to begotten and for defaulte of suche Ishewe I doe geve & bequethe my said messuage and all other my lands Tenements & hereditaments in Estewell aforesaid or els wheare in the countie of Leicester To my sonne John Spicke To have and to hold the same to the said John & to the heires males of his body lawfullie begotton or to begotton and for wante of suche Ishewe I will and bequethe all and singuler my said landes Tenements & hereditaments in Estewell aforesaid or els wheare in the countie of Leicester To Willm Spicke my sonne To have and to hold the same to the said Willm and to the heyres males of his body lawfullie begotton or to be gotton And for defaulte of suche Ishewe begotton or to be gotton on everye of the bodies of anye of my said sonnes I will that all and singuler my said landes Tenementes and heredytaments in Estewell aforesaid or els wheare in the countie of Leicester shall remaine to the right heyres of me the said John Spicke for ever
In wittnesse wheareof I have setto my sceale to these presents the day & yeare above written
These beinge wyttnesses John Buxham clarke Nicholas Perpoynte and John Hicklinge
Probate Leicester 23 September 1573