Richard Spencer of Long Clawson 1561 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1561
In the name of god Amen In the yeare of oure lorde god mccccclxi the xxviiith daye of Auguste and in the thyrde yeare of the reigne of Elizabethe by the grace of god quene of Englande France and Ierlande Defender of the feathe &c wytnessethe that I Rycharde Spenser of Claxton labouring man being syke in body and of good and perfette remembrans do ordene and make thys my laste wylle and testament in maner and forme hereafter folowyng
Fyrste I bequethe my sole to almyghtie god my savyor and redemer and my body to be buryed in the churche yarde of Claxton my paryshe churche
It I bequethe to the mother churche of Lyncolne iiiid
It to my curate for all my tythes neclygently omitted and forgotten iiiid
It to my paryshe Churche xiid
It I bequethe to Wyllyam Spenser my eldeste sune vi li xiiis iiiid
It to Thomas Spenser my second sune vi li xiiis iiiid
It I wylle that Ales my wyffe and Christofer my yongest sune shall have all the reste of my guddes & detts unbequethede
It I ordene and make Ales my wyffe fulle executrix of thys my laste wylle and testament
Thes wytnesses Christofer Goodwynne vycare and Thomas Byarde wythe other mo
Thys ys the Inventory of all the gudds of Rycharde Spinser of Claxton lately departed praysed by Thomas Byard Wyllyam Gye Wyllyam Hicling Henre … Lawrants Maryit Wythe other moo
Imprimis iiii kye ii yerlinge calves | iiii li vis viiid |
It A skore of shepe | xls xiiis iiiid |
It all brasse and puter | xxs vis iiiid |
It all trene ware | xxs vis viiid |
It all Bedding and lyning clothe | iii li |
It halfe a quarter of pease and halfe a quarter of maulte | xs |
It the haye | xs |
It a … hogge | vs |
It all detts | xviii Ii vid |
It an acre of weate grounde and a halfe | xs |
It an acre of pease grounde | xiid |
It a sowe and a shote | vs iiiid |
It vi hennes | iis |
Suma totalis xxxii I xviiis viiid |