Stephen Smith of Long Clawson 1661 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1661
November 18 1657
In the name of god amen I Steeven Smyth of Claxton in the County of Lester myllar being sicke in body but in good and perfect memary prased be god doe make and ordane this my last Will and testament in maner and forme following
First I bequeith my sole to all my god that gave it and my body to be buryed in the Church yard of Claxton and as for my worldly goods I give and bequeith in manar and Forme following
First I give and bequeith to my fouer sones William Richard Steven and John twenty pounds by equel porshons to every son alyke
Item I give unto my dawter Ann five pound and the new bed and the great brass pann the monyes to be payd at the age of fifteen yeares to go forewards to the best use
And all the rest of my goods unbequeed I give and bequeith unto Bridget my loving wife whome I make fulle Exceter of this my last will and testament
Steven Smyth his marke
Sealed and delivered in the presence of their witnesses
Henrie Leake
Thomas Garton
Probate 27 March 1661