Richard Smith of Long Clawson 1660 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1660/102
In the name of God Amen Aprill the 20th Ao Dom 1652 I Richard Smyth of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leic: husbandman beinge sicke & weake in body but of good & perfect memory (praysed be God therefore) doe constitute, ordaine & apointe this to be my Last will & Testament in manner & forme followinge that is to say
First I give & bequeath my soule to Allmighty God my Creator, hopeinge & verily assureinge my selfe through God his mersies & All Sufficient merits of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour & Redemer to be partaker of life everlastinge And my Body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian burial in the Church yarde of Claxton aforesaid at the discretion of my Executrix, & for my worldly Goods which it hath pleased God to endow me with I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following, that is to say
Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my eldest daughter Isabell Smyth twenty Pounds to be payde by my Executrix when shee cometh to the age of one & twenty yeares of age
Item I give unto my youngest daughter Rebecka Smyth twenty Pounds to be payde by my Executrix when shee cometh to the age of one & twenty years of age but if it shall soe come to passe that my Goods will not arise to such summes as aforesaide then my will & desire is that my Daughters Isabell & Rebecka aforsayde shall be content & satisfied with such portions as the Goods will afforde … or arise too
Item it is my Will that if it shall please Allmighty God to take either of my Daughters out of this life before shee come to the age aforesaide that then the survivour of them shall have both the portions as aforesaide
Item I give unto my sonne William Smyth my Estate, right & title of … & Land with the Appurtenances therunto belonging after the death of my loveinge wife Emm Smyth & after the death of my loveing father William Smyth & after the death of my Loveinge Mother Isabell Smyth & further it is my will that if my father & mother aforesayde be dead then that hee enter upon halfe of the land when hee cometh to the age of one & twenty yeares
Item I give unto my Loveinge wife Em Smyth all my moveable goodes whatsoever shee paying the portions or Legacies to my Daughters aforesayde as aforesayde whom I make my sole Executrix of me & of this my Last Will & Testament & if it shall soe come to passe that my aforesayde Executrix Em Smyth shall marry againe then it is my will that before the day of her marriage shee put fortie Poundes in to the handes of my … in trust hereafter named or into the handes of their Assigns that they may put forth the aforesayde summe of fortie Poundes for the use, profit & benifitte of my two Daughters aforesayde untill they shall each of them come unto the age of one & twenty years as aforesayde
The marke & seale of Richard Smyth
Robt Kirkby
John Kirkby
The marke of William Markall
Item I desire William guy the elder & Edward Fawkes Yeomen of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayde to be supervisors in trust for my Childern aforesayde & … if it shall please Allmighty God to take away my wife before my Children come to age or marry as aforesayde & I give … … or their assignes to manage my estate as before I have expressed & to the ends aforesayde
Thus revoking all Wills whatsoever I doe constitute ordaine & apointe this to be my last will & Testament (desiring my Executrix to pay all my debts & funerall Charges whatsoever)
Wittnesse my hand & seale heere unto put, the day & yeare first above written
The marke & seale of Richard Smyth
Reade published & declared to be the Last Will & Testament of Richard Smyth abovenamed, Sealed allsoe & delivered in the presence of
Robt Kirkby
John Kirkby
The marke of William Markall
Probate 22 February 1660