Smith Millicent 1660 of Eaton Will

Millicent Smith of Eaton 1660 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1660

A praesident of a testament

In the name of god amen, the first daie of the month of October in the yeare of our Lord god 1658 I Millescent Smith of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester executor to the last will & testament of Thomas Smith her dearely beloved husband deceased, being of whole minde & in good & perfect remembrance laud & praise be unto Allmightie god doe make & Ordaine this present testament conteyning herein my last will in manner & forme following that is to saye

First I commend my soule unto Allmightie god my maker, hopeing to be saved by the merritts of Jesus Christ my redeemer, & my bodye to be buried in the Church yard of Eaton aforesaid

It I bequeath to the parrish Church of Eaton Fyve shillings

It to the Ringers Fyve shillings

It to the poore people of the parrish tenn shillings

It I bequeath to Barkeston parrish Church Fyve shillings

It to the Ringers Five shillings & to the poore of the same parrish tenn shillings to be distributed by the discretion of Matthew Grococke

It I bequeath to Hugh Hickson v li

It to Matthew Grococke 12d

It to Roger Grococke 40s

It to the Children of Sammuell Grococke of Staunton dec 40s

It to Willm Dalby 4 li

It to Richard Dalbye a load of Coales, a strike of Rye, as strike of wheate, a strike of mault, & to Millescent Dalbye his daughter whom I desire Rich: Briggs to be supravisor for her & imploye it to her alone proper use

It to Jane Robinson 3 li my best featherbed, the best Coverlett, a blanket, a pillowe & the great chest

It to Ann Simpson 3 li a Coverlett, a pillowe a mattric a boulster & a blankett

It to Nathaniell Dalbye 4 li

It to Wm Hickson sonne of Wm Hickson 20s

It to Richard Langly 20s to Wm Doddsly 12d to Tho: Parks 12d to Mary Juddson 12d

It to every one of my god Children 12d a piece

It to John Hoe 12s

It to Tho: Blanckly George Blanckly, Roger, Willm & Ann Blanckly 20 li to be equally divided amongst them

It to John sonne of George Blanckly 40s whom I make John Bacon of Woollstrapp supravisor for him

It to Zaphi Stevenson vs to Thomas Wright 6s

It to Ann Blanckly the younger a pewter dish & a towel

It to Elizabeth Hickson a pewter dish

It to Ann Blanckly thedler A Cubbert a bedsted a paire of Curtains a table & frame, a Chaire a fourme a Chest a great pann & the Irons about the fire

It to Ann Blanckly Jane Robinson & Ann Simpson all the rest of the houshould goods divided equally amongst them

& lastly my will is that thafforesaid Legacies shall not paid duringe a whole yeare after my decease

The residue of my goods Cattle & debts I bequeath unto George Blanckly whom I make & Ordaine Executor of this my present testament to discharge these legacies my funerall Expences & see my bodye laid decently in the ground

In witnes whereof I have setto my hand & seale the daie & yeare above written

                                                                                                                Millscent Smith her marke

Signed sealled & published for the last will & testament of the testator in the presence of

Thomas Wright

Ann Blanckly her marke

Probate Leicester 23 November 1660


A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods moveable & unmoveable that Millescent Smith of Eaton in the countie of Leicester widowe deceased & seized of estimated & praised the 25th of October 1658 by us whose names are underwritten

Inpris her purse and apparrell300
In the Hall
It a table & a frame a furme a settle a Chaire a Cubbert & a great pann valet1100
In the Chamber
It two Bedsteads a featherbed a boulster 2 pillowes 2 Coverletts 3 blanquetts
a paire of sheets & other linings2100
In the Yard
It two Cowes & seventeene sheep a swine hogge valet7180
In the butterye
It two Barrells brewing vessell & other Implements valet0100
In the out howse
It Coales fewell swinetroughs & other trashe070
Irons about the fire034
It debts oweinge unto me upon bonds the sume of39150
It things forgott & not senne  008

John Handly marke

Thomas George marke

Thomas Wright

Exhibited Leicester 23 November 1660