George Smythe of Harby 1571 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/262
In the name of god amen the viii day of Novembre in the yeare of our lorde god 1571 I George Smythe of Harbye in the countie of Leicester beinge of hole mynde and perfect remembrance do make this my laste will and testament in manner & form followinge
Firste I bequethe my sole to almyghtie god trustynge in the mercies of god that my synnes are clearelye forgiven through the merites and passion of our Saviore Jesus Christe and I truste to come to his everlastynge Kyngdome there with all angels continuallye to prase him
Now concerninge my temporall goods which god hathe lente me my mynde is by the [word missing] of god to dispose them as folowethe
I bequeathe to Thomas Smythe my brother xxxiiis iiiid and ii shepe
Itm I bequethe to my brother Willm Smythe xxxiiis iiiid and towe shepe
Itm I bequeth to my brother John Smythe xxxiiis iiiid ii shepe my best coot and my dagger
Itm I bequethe to my sister Alice Smythe xxxiiis iiiid ii shepe and the rest of my aparele
Itm I bequethe to mye … Richard Dubledaye vs which he owethe and for my lyverie cote
Itm I bequethe to Eliz Dubledaye my cheste or coffer
Itm I bequethe to my … Richarde Dubledayes children ii shepe equallye devided amongeste them
Itm I bequethe to Mathewe Dubledaye xxd
Itm I bequethe to Margerie Dubledaye xxd
Itm I bequethe to John James xiid
It I bequethe to Willm James xiid
The reste of my goods moveable and unmoveable unbequeathed my Detts paid and my funerall discharged I give and bequethe to Thomas Smythe my brother whom I make my full executor of this my laste will and testament and also I do make and constitute Richard Dubledaye and John James Supvisers and there chargis beinge borne by my executor when so ever they shall goe or ryde uppon anye busines of this my will
Theis beinge wittnesses George Benet Thomas Yves Willm James Richard Wattson
Probate 16 November 1571