Andrew Smyth of Nether Broughton 1649 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1649/50
Maide the xxth Day of October 1640
In the name of god amen the Day and yeare above written I Andrew Smyth of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester husbandman being sicke in bodie but in good and parfeict Remberance the Lord be praised therefore I Doe Constitute and make this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme following that ys to saie and principall is I Doe Comend my Soule into the hands of Allmyghtie god my maker and Redeemer assuredlie trusting that by and through the onelie merritts of Christ Jesus my onelie Saviour and Redeemer I shall have parfeit Remyssion of all my Synnes And by bodie I Doe Comend to the earth from whence it Came to be decentely Buried in the Church yarde of Nether Broughton aforesaide and as touching all my worldlie goodes wheare with the god hath beene pleased to blesse mee I doe Dispose of the as followeth
Itim I Give unto my Soone John Smyth in full Saiteifaxon of his sone porcion xiid
Itim I give unto my Daughter Jaine Smyth in full part of hir porcion Xiid
Itim I give unto my Daughter Marrgit Smyth a beade and furniture that Belong to it
Itim I give unto my Daughter Marrgit Smyth one forme
Itim I give unto my Daughter Marrgit Smith Fiftie shillings of Courint inglysh money
Itim I give unto my Daughter Margit Smyth the beast potte stand the beast pane and two puter Dishes and a Candelstick
Itim I give unto my Soone Andrew Smyth 5l
Itim I give unto my Soone Thomas Smyth 5
Itim I give unto my Soone Clemmon Smyth 5
Itim all my ledgeries being payde my funerall discharged of whom I doe make my wife Elyzabeth Smith my Soule Executrix of this my last Will
Itim I doe owe unto my Soone Clemon Smyth 4l 12s iiiid
Itim I doe owe unto Mr Leynsey 2 10s
Itim I doe owe unto Lorones Gill xs …
Itim I give unto Richard Ludnam to binding of him prentice 2l
Andrew Smythe
Anthoney Marryt marke
Charles Nuttals
Probate 27 October 1649 to Elizabeth Smyth executrix