Robert Smalley of Upper Broughton 1657 Will
The National Archives PROB 11/267/117
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Smalley of Over Broughton als Broughton Sulney in the Countie of Nottingham yeoman being weake in body but of perfect memory praysed be God doe Ordayne make and Constitute this my last will and Testament in forme and manner followinge
First I humbly bequeath and Comitt my soule into the hands of Almightie God my maker and Redeemer hopeinge through the merritts of my saviour Jesus Christ in his mercie to have remission of all my Sins, and everlastinge life after death
Alsoe I bequeath my body to the Earth out of which itt was taken to be buried in the Church of Over Broughton aforesaid
And as for my worldly estate of lands goods Cattle Chattles whatsoever I die possessed of I give bequeath and dispose of as followeth
Imprimis I give unto Isabella my loveinge wife All that parte of the Oxgange of Land remaining my possession unsould As alsoe my house homsteed and leas beneath the homestead with all Commons and Comon of pasture and all other appurtenances thereunto att this present belonginge To have and to hold them and every of them forever soe longe as the world endures for herselfe her heires executors administrators or assignes
Item I give unto my three brethren George Henrie and John Three pounds a peece to be payd unto each of them when they come to or shall Accomplish the Age of One and Twenty Yeares
Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Richard Likewise Three pounds to binde him apprentice and yf anie of these my bretheren aforesaid dye before they attaine to the yeares of One and Twenty itt is my Will that the Survivor or Survivors shall have the deceaseds part divided amongst them
Item I give unto the poore of the Towne (vizt) Over Broughton aforesaid thirteen shillings and foure pence to be given and distributed amongst them Att the discretion of the Minister and Overseers of the same parrish within One Twelve moneth after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my Tenant Thomas Burrowes three pounds upon Condicon that he his wife and familie shall quietlie and peaceably depart and avoid the grounds by or before Mayday Come Twelve Moneth which three pound itt is my will shall be paid unto him the said Thomas upon his departure
Item I give unto Fower Children of my Aunt Jane Smalley vizt William Katherine and Elizabeth and Jane five shillings a peece and to my Aunt herselfe alsoe five shillings to be payd unto them within one Twelve Moneth after my decease
Likewise to my Mother in Lawe Elizabeth Homsley I give five shillings
And all my other goods Cattles and Chattles undisposed of or unbequeathed I give unto my wife Isabella whom I make sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament
Lastlie I desire my loving freind Mr Francis Toplady of Nottingham Alderman and my kind Loveinge Brother William Greene of Nottingham aforesaid Glover to be Supravisors and Overseers of this my Will To whome I give half a Crowne a peece
In witness whereof vizt that I make and Constitute this to be my last will and Testament I have sett to my hand and Seale this present Eighteenth day of March in the yeare of our Lord According to the Account of England One thousand Six hundred Fiftie and Six
Robert Smalley
Signed and Sealed in the presence of these witnesses
John Shepperdson
William Morris his marke
Richard Franke his marke
This Will was proved att London the two and twentieth day of August in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Six Hundred Fiftie and Seaven Before the Judges for Probate of Wills and grauntinge Administrations lawfully authorized by the Oath of Isabella Smalley the Relict of the said deceased and sole Executrix named in the sayd Will To whome was Committed Administracon of all and Singular the goods Chattles and debts of the said deceased, shee being first legally Sworne by commission well and truly to Administer the same