Thomas Sisson of Long Clawson 1807 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1807
This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas Sisson of Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Grazier
I give to my Wife and Annuity of Twelve Pounds a year for her life to be paid half yearly at Lady-day and Michaelmas by even portions the first half yearly payment to be made at the Lady-day or Michaelmas which shall happen next after my Death and I charge all my real as well as my personal Estate with the payment of this Annuity also with all my debts and the following Legacies viz
To my son Joseph Thirty Pounds
To my son Henry Eighty Pounds
To my son John Eighty Pounds
To my Daughter Mary One hundred Pounds
To my Daughter Ann Eighty Pounds
And to my Daughter Elizabeth Eighty Pounds
These Legacies to be paid when my youngest Daughter Elizabeth shall attain the Age of twenty one years if she shall live so long if she dies before she shall attain that Age then the Legacies to be paid at the … she would attain that Age if living
If any of my Children shall die before their Legacies shall be payable leaving Children their Children to take their respective Parents Legacies but if any of my Children shall die before that time without leaving Children the Legacy or Legacies of such dying Child or Children to be divided amongst all my Children including my eldest Son and their representatives No interest to be paid on any of the above Legacies but my youngest Daughter is to be supported during her minority by my eldest Son otherwise he is to pay her six pounds a year unto she shall be of Age
I give to each of my Daughters Ann and Elizabeth a bed with furniture &c to be fixt upon by my Wife
Subject to the above provision for my Wife and younger Children I give All my Estate and Effects to my eldest Son Thomas Sisson his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and I appoint my said Son Thomas sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament
I give my Wife my best set of China half a dozen Tea spoons Tongs And Mahogany Tea Table
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty ninth day of October one thousand eight hundred and six
Thos Sisson
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas Sisson the Testator as his last will and Testment in the presence
Thos Stokes
Robert Steel
Chas Latham Junr
I Thomas Sisson of Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Grazier Do make this Codicil to my Will and desire the same may be taken as part thereof
Whereas in my Will hereunto annexed and bearing date the Twenty ninth day of October last I have given unto my Wife an Annuity of Twelve pounds a year for her life And also several Legacies to my Children which together with all my Debts I have Charged my Real and Personal Estate and Effects with the payment thereof And the residue of the same I have given unto my Son Thomas Sisson his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns And appointed him Sole Executor of my said Will Now I do declare it is my Mind and will and I do hereby appoint my Brother in law George Allen of Cosby in the said County of Leicester Victualler a Guardian and joint Executor with my said Son Thomas Sisson for the benefit of all my Children and I do hereby confirm the rest of my said Will
In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Sisson have to this Codicil Set my Hand and Seal this Eighth day of November in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and six
Thos Sisson
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Thomas Sisson as a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
Jane Glover
Elizabeth Steel
Edwd Harrison Junr
March 24 1807
Let probat be granted to Thomas Sisson executor within named; he being duly sworn to the execution of the Will; as also that the Testators goods Chattels & Credits at the time of his death did not amount in value to the sum of three hundred pounds
Before me Tho: Ford Surrogate
Power reserved for Geo. Allen the other Exor
The Testator died Novr 13 1806