Elizabeth Shillcock of Scalford 1802 Administration
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1802/163
Bond, bound Thomas Shilcock grazier of Scalford, John Shilcock grazier of Scalford and Charles Latham the younger gentleman of Melton Mowbray £500 5 August 1802, condition bound Thomas Shilcock husband and administrator of late Elizabeth Shilcock of Scalford intestate to produce inventory and administer estate
Thomas Shillock
Jno Shillcock
Chas Latham jr
25th August 1802
Let administration be granted and committed under Seal to the within bound Thomas Shilcock the lawful Husband of the within named Elizabeth Shilcock who some time ago died intestate
He having been duly sworn as well to the faithful administration of all and singular the goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased as that the Goods Chattels and Credits do not amount in value to the sum of Three hundred Pounds
Before me Tho: Ford, Surrogate