Joan Shepperson of Ab Kettleby 1583 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1583/66
The last will & testament of Jhone Sheppson who depted this life at Ab Kettlebye in the countie of Leicester the ixth daie of Maii 1583
First I comend my soule in to the hands of Almightie god &c & my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Ab Kettlebye aforesaid
Item I geve to William Sheppson my brother xxs & my greate Coffer
Item I geve to his wife three pillowes with a boulster & one Coverledd with one harden sheete
Itm I geve to Darrathie his Daughter my great brasse pott with my best … petticote
Itm I geve to Allice his daughter my best Candlestick & to Annys his daughter my … & to Martha his daughter my newe sawcer
Itm I geve to Henrie his sonne my iron Cobbarde or els a spit
Itm to Jane the daughter of the foresaid Wm Sheppson one pewter charger & to his daughter Elizabeth another pewter charger
Item I geve to my brother John Sheppson of Welbie xiiis & iiiid & to Martha his daughter one greate Caldron & to Margaret his daughter my best reale & my worst rede petticote
Itm I geve to my sister Esabell of Whissendine vis viiid & to her daughter Allice my best charger
Itm I give to my sister Agness Sheppson my Cubbarde if she marrie, if not it to be bestowed uppon Agness the daughter of Willm Sheppson
Itm I will that Willm Sheppson my brother shall be the full & whole Executor of this my last will & testament
These beinge witnesses Robart More John More Margerie Frostnell with others