Hugh Shepherd of Long Clawson 1761 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1761/185
In the Name of God Amen I Hugh Shepherd of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Grocer and Chandler being Sick and Weak in body But of Sound Mind Memory and Understanding And Considering the Uncertainty of this life Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say)
First of all I give my Soul to God that gave it me And my Body I Commit to the Earth to be decently interred at the direction of my Executors hereinafter named And as for my Worldly Estate which hath pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose thereof as follows
In the first place I give and bequeath All and Singular my Household Goods other Goods Stock in trade Cattle Chattells rights Credits and personal Estate of What Kind or Nature soever unto my Brother Tuftin Shepherd of the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surry Grocer and Confectioner Thomas Worthington of the Town and County of the Town of Nottingham Draper and Mercer Thomas Willburn of Thorpe Arnold in the Said County of Leicester Gentleman and John Garton of Dalby on the Woulds in the Said County of Leicester Gentleman And to the Survivors and Survivor of them And the Executors and Administrators of Such Survivor Upon this Special Trust and Confidence
That they the said Tuftin Shepherd Thomas Worthington Thomas Willburn and John Garton and the Survivors and Survivor of them And the Executors and Administrators of Such Survivor Do and Shall so soon as Conveniently he and they can after my Decease Sell and Dispose of my Said Household Goods other Goods Stock in Trade Cattle Chattels rights Credits and personal Estate for the best price that can be got for the same And with the Monies Arising thereby to pay and discharge my funeral expences and Debts And after Such payment And What Shall remain in their Hands by way of Surplusage Then upon this further Trust and Confidence
That they the said Tuftin Shepherd Thomas Worthington Thomas Willburn and John Garton and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of Such Survivor Do pay and Dispose of one Third part of Such Surplusage Money to my Dear Wife Anne Shepherd for her own use and benefit And with the other two third parts of Such the Said Surplusage Money Do and Shall put and place out the same at Interest on the best Security and Securities that can be procured and mett with And the Interest and proceeds thereof Do and Shall Yearly and every Year and from time to time pay Apply and Dispose thereof for and towards the Maintenance and Education of my Son and Daughter Tuftin Shepherd and Anne Shepherd untill they Severally and respectively Attain their respective Age and Ages of Twenty one Years
And when and As soon as they my Said Son Tuftin Shepherd and Daughter Anne Shepherd Shall so Attain their Said Severall and respective Age and Ages of Twenty one Years then to pay and Dispose of such principal Sum so to be placed as aforesaid unto my Said Son and Daughter Tuftin Shepherd and Anne Shepherd and to the Survivor of them in equal Shares and proportions
Provided always nevertheless And I do hereby Declare That if at any time hereafter during the Trust aforesaid any loss Shall happen of the said principal Sum or any part thereof or of the Interest and proceed thereof without the Willfull Neglect or default of them my said Brother Tuftin Shepherd Thomas Worthington Thomas Willburn and John Garton and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of Such Survivor by failure of the Security or Securities upon Which the Same Shall or may be placed out Yet Notwithstanding any of them or the Survivors or Survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of Such Survivor Shall not be charged or chargeable to make good any Such Loss
And I do hereby Commit the care and Guardianship of my Said Son and Daughter Tuftin Shepherd and Anne Shepherd And of their respective Estate and Estates as they or either of them are shall or may be Seized of in possession Reversion remainder or Expectancy unto them my Said Brother Tuftin Shepherd Thomas Worthington Thomas Willburn and John Garton and the Survivors and Survivor of them And the Executors and Administrators of Such Survivor during their respective Minority
And I do hereby Appoint my Said Brother Tuftin Shepherd Thomas Worthington Thomas Willburn and John Garton full and Joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament Allowing unto them and Survivors and Survivor of them And the Executors and Administrators of Such Survivor All Such reasonable charges and Expences as they or any of them Shall Sustain or be put unto for or by reason of the Trust aforesaid or in the Execution of this my Said Will Revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness Whereof I the Said Hugh Shepherd the Testator Have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Seventh day of August in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty
Hugh Shepherd
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the Said Hugh Shepherd the Testator to be his last Will and Testament In the presence of us the Witnesses underwritten who have at his request and in his presence And in the presence of Each other Set our hands As Witnesses to the Execution of this his Said Will
Richard Hoe
Theodosia Lovett
Judith Lovett
The 3d day of August 1761 Thomas Worthington and John Garton two of the Executors within named were sworn And at the same time made Oath that all the Testator’s personal Estate at the time of his Death was not worth Twenty pounds (with Reservation for Tuftin Shepherd and Thomas Willburn the other Executors)
Before Me Gerr Andrewes Surrogt