Jarvis Sharpe of Plungar 1665 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records
In dei nominee Amen I Jarvis Sharpe of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester Webster being sicke in Bodie but of good and Perfect Memorie & knowledge god be Praised doth make & ordaine this my Last will & Testament in maner & forme followinge
First I beqeath my soule to Allmightie God the maker & Redeemer thereof trusting in him only to be saved by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ my Savior and my bodie to be Buried in the Church yard of Plungar my Parish
Ite I give to my Eldest daughter Marie Sharpe Fortie Shillings out of one Messuage & three Acres of Ground thereunto belongeinge Lieing & being in the Town Parish & Territories of Fishtoft in the countie of Lincoln & now being the freehould of me the sd Jarvis Sharpe & in the occupation of one Thomas Thacker & it is my Will that the sd fortie Shillings shall be paide to my sd Daughter Marie by my Sonne John Sharpe my heire of the sd premisses at the end of one yeare after he shall enter & enjoy the sd Messuage & three acres of ground with the Appurtenances
Ite I give and bequeath to my Second daughter Elizabeth Sharpe Fortie Shillings out of the sd premisses to be paid by my sd Sone John at the end of two years after he my sd Sonne shall enjoy the said premises
Item I give & bequeath unto my third & youngest daughter Sara Sharpe Fortie Shillings out of the sd premisses to be paid by my sd Sonne John at the end of three years after he Shall enjoy the sd premisses which sd sums soe to be paid by my sd Sonne to my sd three daughters is in full satisfaction of there Childs parts & Portions & if it Please god that any of my sd daughters die before there Portions be due unto them then that Portion or portions to Redound to the survivour or survivours of my said three Daughters & I doe further charge my Sonne by this my Last will & Testament that he doe not hinde any of his sisters of that which I have before given them
Item all the Rest of my goods Cattells Chatells househould stuffe implymts of what kinde or nature soever I give & bequeath unto my Loveinge Wife Margrett Sharpe Whome I make my Sole Executrix of this my Last will & testament my debts & funerall Charges being by her Paid and discharged
And I desire my Brother John Sharpe to be Supervizor of this my Last Will & Testmt
In Wittnesse whereof I have sett to my hand this fourth day of September in the Sixteenth yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the Second by the grace of god of England Scotland France & Ireland king defender of the faith &c Ano dni 1664
The marke of Jarvis Sharpe
Read Signed Published & confirmed in the presence of us
William Orson
Thomas Blanckley marke
Ric. Hickson junior
Probate 6 April 1665