Rouse Thomas 1662 of Hose Will

Thomas Rouse of Hose 1662 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archive, Leicestershire Will and Probate Records 1662

In the name of God Amen the fourth day of July Anno Domini 1650 I Thomas Rouse of Hose in the County of Leicester yeoman being sick in body but in perfect remembrance (praysed bee God) doe ordaine & make this my Last will & Testament in manner & forme following

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God trusting to bee saved by the meritts of Christ Jesus my Saviour and my body to the earth to bee buried in the Church or Churchyard of Hose at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter mentioned

For my worldly goods I dispose as followeth

Item I give unto John Rouse my sonn the sume of tenn shillings

Item I give unto Elizabeth, Ellinor & Mary Rouse my daughters to each of them the sume of Twenty pounds to bee paide within one yeare after my son John shall accomplish the age of one & Twenty yeares and Twenty pounds apeice more when they shall accomplish their severall ages of one & Twenty yeares or day of their marriage which shall first happen; and yf any of them shall depart this Life before they shall accomplish the said age or day or marriage as aforesaid then the said porcon or porcons to bee devided amongst the survivor or suvivors

All which sumes of money shalbee paide by my Executrix to whome I give grant & Assigne all my right title & Interest of & into my Messuage house in Hose together with all the Lands Crofts & Tofts to the same (or in Long Claxton) belonging & to her Assignes; Provided alwayes & my will & Testament is that yf my sonn John Rouse shall within sixe months after hee shall accomplish the age of one & Twenty yeares paye & give Security for all the said porcons bequeathed to my foresaid Daughters then my will & pleasure is that my sonn John shall enter possess & inioye the foresaide messuage house together with all the Lands Crofts Tofts & appertances thereunto belonging lyeing in Hose & Claxton aforesaide

Item I give the sume of fyve shillings to buy a flagon for the Consecracon of the wine at the blessed Sacrament

Item I give unto the poore of the said Town fyve shillings

Item I give unto the Church of Statherne fyve shillings & to the poore of the said Towne fyve shillings

Item I give unto Michael Rouse my brother halfe a crowne

Item I give unto Jane Man my kinswoman halfe a Crowne

All the rest of my goods Cattles & Chattles moveable & immoveable of what kind soever heretofore not bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Alice Rouse my wife whome I make full executrix of this my Last will & Testament shee paying all my debts & Legacyes & discharging my funerall expences

Item I make Gregory Julyan & James Marriott of Hose aforesaid Supvisors of this my Last will & Testament

In wittness whereof I have Setto my hande & Seale the day & yeare first above written in the presence of us wittneses following

                                                                                                                Thomas Rouse

R James

Robert Markham sign


An Inventory of all the goods and Chattles Late of Thomas Rowse of Hose in the County of Leicester defunct taken and valued the Twelveth day of April Ano 1653 by us whose names are subscribed follows viz

Imprimis his purse and apparel100
One Table two formes one cupboard one chaire one fireiron with the Racking   
& tonges and fire shovel with benches and other utensils1150
Buttery Certaine utensils there034
Sixe piece of pewter 2 candlesticks 2 pinte potte0120
It three bedstead one feather bed 4 mattresses two bolsters vi pillowes vi   
coverings 4 blankitts one cupboard 4 chests and a little box and sett of curtains   
and all vallance for a bedd1034
3 pair and halfe flaxen sheetes one pair hempen sheets 4 pair harden 2 table   
clothes … napkins 4 pillowbeeres 3 towells2140
Five good Barrells100
One brewing leade with the brewing vessells 2 tubbs 5 peales one brass pan   
two brass potts one paire of quernes pair cobyrons 3 spittes 4 brass kettells with   
other dead Lumber therein3170
One brass pan 2 salting troughs with ther utensils0134
One try for Corne one … Racke one shelf one forme 3 strikes of wheate and two   
strikes of barley148
One quarter of barley 4 strikes of mault some bacon with other dead Lumber   
It foure oxgange of Land sowen with pease and barley &c4000
It sixe horses mares or geldings2500
It sixe kyne two barren heifers two yearly calves and two weaning calves15100
It fourteene ewes and Lambs 12 hogge and nine weathers1200
It one Cart Cart geere one plow and plow geere with wood necessary for   
repaire therefor400
It 3 swyne100
It sheepe cribbs fleakes for sheepe Ladders hovells … swyne troughs and   
utensils about the yard and all other things forgotten or not valued034
                                                                       Sum tot is12216

William Julian

James Marrot his marke

Probate 20 January 1662/3

Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1662

Bond, bound John Rouse yeoman of Hose, James Marriott yeoman of Hose and Richard Julian yeoman of Hose 20 June 1662, condition whereas Thomas Rouse of Hose made his wife Alice executrix of his will but she has renounced this in favour of her son the bound John Rouse, he to produce inventory and administer estate

                                                                                                                John Rowse

                                                                                                                Signum Jacobi Marriott

                                                                                                                Richard Julian