Thomas Rouse of Stathern 1566 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/257
In the name of god amen the Second daye of Aprill in the yere of our lorde god 1566 that I Thomas Rowse of Stathern in the Countie of Leicester husbandman sicke in Body but hole and sound of remembrance Laude & praise be unto allmightie god makethe this my last will & Testament in maner & forme folowinge
Fyrst I bequeithe my Soule to allmightie god my maker & redemer & my body to be buryed in the church yearde of Statherne aforesaid
Itm I bequiethe unto the mother churche of Lincolne iiiid
Itm I give and bequiethe all my goodes moveable and unmoveable to Issabell my wyffe to bringe uppe my poore childer which unto suche tyme as they shall come to their Lawfull age & then my said wyfe shall give them suche parte as she may reasonably spare at the Sighte of Thomas Dicksone Supvysor of this my last will
& for the dewe execution hereof I do ordaine & make my said wife my sole executrixe of this my said Last will and I do make Thomas Dickson supvysor to see this my saide will performed according to the specyall truste that I have in him
Before these witnesses Gabryell Cant Thomas Holme Thomas Pachett & John …ell with other …
Probate 24 April 1566