Rouse Richard 1628 of Stathern will and inventory

Richard Rouse of Stathern 1628 of Stathern Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1628

In the name of god Amen The niene and twentie daie of March in the yeare of our Lord god one Thousand sixe hundred twentie and eight I Richard Rouce the elder of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester yeoman weake in bodie but otherwise of good and perfect memorie (Thankes bee to god therefore) doe ordaine and make this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the handes of Almightie god my Creator trusting to bee saved onely by the merites of Christ Jesus and my bodie to bee buried in the Church of Stathorne aforesaide

Item I give unto Margaret Rouce my wife eight poundes of Lawfull English money to be paide unto her within a yeare after my decease

Item I give unto her the bedstead in the parlour wherein wee now lie with the furniture thereunto belonging

Item I give unto my sonne James Rouce twelve pence in full satisfaction of his filiall or Childes portion

Item I give unto my sonne Richard Rouce five poundes of lawfull English money in full satisfaction of his filiall or Childes portion to bee paide unto him within a yeare after my decease

Item I give unto my daughter in Lawe Anne Marson the wife of Arnold Marson of Wiverbie [Wyfordby, Leics] five poundes of lawfull English money to be paide unto her within a twelve month after my decease

Item I give unto my sonne in law William Gelstrop of Nottingham three poundes six shillings eight pence to be paide unto him within a yeare after my decease

Item I give unto my grandchild Richard Rouce the sonne of James Rouce aforesaide one lambe hogge

Item I give unto my grandchild Jane Rouce the daughter of James Rouce one flaxen sheete

Item I give unto everie one of the children of Nicholas Rouce sixe pence

Item I give unto everie one of the children of Nicholas Barnes sixe pence

Item I give unto everie one of the children of Thomas Sharpe my sonne in lawe sixe pence

Item I give unto everie one of my godchildren foure pence

Item I give towards Repairing the Cawseys of the towne of Stathorne twentie shillings to be paide within a yeare after my decease

All the Rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable not bequeathed nor given (my debtes Legacies and funerall expences discharged and paide) I give unto my sonne Nicholas Rouce whome I make sole Executor of this my last will and Testament

In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my marke & seale the daie and yeare above written

                                                                                                         Richard Rouce the elder his marke

Witnesses of the Reading and publishing of this will

James Brough

Thomas Holmes


A True and perfecte Inventary of all The goods cattell and Chattels that did partaine to Richard Rouse the Elder of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester husbandman late decesed Prized by Mr Sharpe and Mr Rowse and Thomas Rowse

Imprimis his purse and apparrell v l
Item in the howse tow tables and a frame 8s
Item 3 Chaires 2s
Item one fyre iron a paire of Reckons and 3 potte hookes and a fyre shovel 6s 8d
Item three silver spoones xiiis 4d
Item one ledd in the kiching three spits one paire of Cobardes and a dreping pann with other  
implements 30s
Item on mass fatt and a Gile fatt and tow sives and tow tubbs xvis
Item 7 barrell & one salting troughe tow thorls and other implements in the buttere 20s
It: in Silver 3 l vis 8d
Item in the mellke howse one Cherne tow Cheeses prases fore kemnells and other implements 13s 4d
Item in the parlar one bedsted with the forenetur to it three Chestes one Presse one Cobard  
one Chair with other implements 4 l
Item 5 touwells 7 pillowbeares Three Tabble Close & v napkins 30s
Item 3 paire of lenin sheetes 20s
Item 6 paire of hempen sheetes xls
Item 7 paire of harden sheetes 30s
Item three feather beddes three Boulsters 4 l
Item x feather pillowes 30s
Item ix mattrisses xlvs
Item 8 Coverletts 5 l
Item 2 beddsteades with other implements 30s
Item one Cheste fore servants bedds and Covarings for them xls
Item 8 Potts 4 l
Item xi Panns 6 l
Item 3 Candlestickes tow Chaffendishes and a mortar xs
Item 21 Pewder dishes and 3 salts tow Candlestickes one Chamber pott xls
Item one Chest 5 bottells a paire of stokkardes 3 ketells with other implements in that  
Chamber 30s
Item one Chest tow strikes three wheeles with other implements in another Chamber xs
Item for bacon vis viiid
Ite: one Skreene and window Clothes … sieves Cottells and other implements 30s
Item malt 8 l
Item Rye and whett and barley and otemell 5 l 6s 8d
Item plowe tember and axselstreece xvs
Item a paire of quernes and a heavie Cloth xvs
Item Kolls xs
Item one tubb one kimnell with other implements vis 8d
Item in the … house Certin things for husbandry xs
Item 7 horses and tow foles 20 l
Item beaste 30 l
Item sheepe 28 l
Item 7 swine sh… tow sowes 6 pigges 4 l xs
Item for poultry 5s
Item Cartes and Carte geares and a paire of new whels 4 l
Item for Corne upon the Ground 56 l
Item for plouges and ploug geares and 4 harrows 40s
Item for hovell timber 20s
Item for Treas 13s
Item for wood in the yard and fore leithers & palls 40s
Item for Rakes and mangers and stales for beaste 10s
Item for straw vs
Item for swine trouges and all other thinges not Remembard vs
Item for menner 13s 4d
Item leining Cloth and yarne xxs
Detts owing by the deceased  
To Arnoll Marson 20 l

Probate 10 June 1628