Rouse John 1676 of Stathern will and inventory

John Rouse of Stathern 1676 of Stathern Will, Inventory and Administration

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1676/88

In the name of God Amen the twelveth day of December seventee five the Twentee seventh yeare of the Raigne of King Charles the second King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith &c I John Rouse of Stathorne in the County of Leicester yeoman being sicke and weake in body but sound and perfect in memorie prase be given to god for the same and knowing the uncertanty of this life on earth and being desirous to sett things in order I Make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth That is to say

First I Commend my soule to Almighty God my Creatour assuredly beleeveing that I shall receve the full pardon and remission of all my sinnes and be saved by the precious death and merits of my Blessed Saviour and redeemer Christ Jesus And my body to the earth from whence it was taken and to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner As to my Executor hereafter named as shalbe thought meet and Convenient and as touching my worldly estate as the lord in Mercy hath lent mee My Will and meaneing is the same shalbe imployed and bestowed as hereafter my will expresseth

I make my wife Anne Sole executor

I give unto her all my quicke goodes and all other goodes that is in the yard shee payeing debts and Legacies as is hereafter expressed

Item I give to my sonne John Rouse Tenn pound to be paid when he come att the age of foure and Twenty yeares by my Executor

Item my will is that my sonne James Rouse shall paye unto my son John Rouse tenn pounds when acomplisheth the age of foure and Twenty yeares

Further my Will is that James Rouse shall paye unto my daughter Anne Rouse Tenne pounds when shee shall come to the age of Three and Twenty yeares

Further my will and meaning is That my eldest sonne James Rouse shall paye unto my daughter Elizabeth Rouse Tenn pounds to be paide att the age of Three and Twenty yeares and if the said John Rouse or Anne Rouse or Elizabeth Rouse depart theire natural lives before the come to the age as is afore expressed that then the money to fall to the longest surviver of the three as afore mecioned

Item I give and bequeath my household goodes to my wife Anne for and during her natural life and after to be equaly devided betwixt Anne Rouse and Elizabeth Rouse only resarving one Chest called apell presse to my sonne James Rouse

In Wittness whereof I putt to my hand and seal the Day and yeare above written

                                                                                                         John Rouse

Sealed signed and delivered in the presents of

Thomas Sumner

George Dixon


A true and perfect Inventary taken of the goods of John Rouse late of Stathorne taken the 30 day of August 1676 by George Dixon and Thomas Sumner negbours of Stathorne as followeth

  £ s d
Imprimis his purse and apparel 1 0 0
Item two tables and Cubberd with Chaires and stooles in the house 2 3 4
Item Reccons and fire iron with hookes and other imployments 0 3 4
Item pewter in the house 0 10 0
Item three brasse pans one brasse pot 1 0 0
Item a Cheesse press a apple press an salting troufe with other things 0 15 0
Item two barrels an two tubbs a Churne an tiken aware 0 11 0
Item a halfe heded bed two ioyned Chaires two boxes a littell table two buffits      
formes in the parlour 1 5 0
Item bedin and linnines in the parlour 1 6 8
Item one trusse bed two Chesses and bedin and a boxe in the Chamber 2 0 0
Item Cheesse and bacon in the deary 0 10 0
Item Corne and hay in baren [sic] 9 15 0
Item Cowes and heffers 10 15 0
Item Sheepe 4 0 0
Item swine in the yard 1 5 0
Item Coales dishes and spoones forkes and rakes 0 13 4
Item all things unseen and forgotten 0 2 6
                                                                     The summe totalis is 37 15 2

George Dixon

Thomas Sumner

Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1676

Bond, bound Anne Rouse widow of Stathern and Thomas Sumner of Stathern, £40 29 September 1676, condition bound Anne Rouse executrix of John Rouse, to whom tuition and education of John, James, Anne and Elizabeth Rouse his children entrusted, to educate and bring them up and provide them with sufficient meat, drink, lodging and apparel suitable for their estate and calling during their minorities and pay them their legacies

                                                                                                         Signum Anne Rouse

                                                                                                         Thomas Sumner

Probate 29 September 1676