Gregory Rouse of Hose 1625 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1625/114
In the name of god Amen I Gregorie Rouse of Hose in the Countie of Lecester husbandman being sicke in bodie but of perfect Remembrance (praysed be god) do make this my last will in this maner following
First I Comend my Soule to god my maker
Allso I do give to Joyce Smith my sister Twoe strickes of barley yerely during the naturall life of Margret Rouse my wife and the sayd Joyce together
Item I do give unto Joane Handly my sister Twoe strikes of barley yerely during the naturall life of Margret Rouse my wife and the sayd Joane together
Item I do give unto Thomas Handlye the Sume of Twentie shillings to be payed unto him by six shillings eight pence a yere untill the sayd summe be discharged
Item I do give unto Gregorie …ham the summe of six pounds to be payed unto him either in goods or moneye att the full end of four yeres after my discease
Item I give unto William Doubledaye the summe of Twentie shillings to be payed unto him within Twoe yeres after my discease
Item I do give unto Robert Doubledaye Twentie shillings to be payed unto him within Twoe yeres after my discease
Item I give unto Margret Trooman Ten shillings to be payed to her within twoe yeres after my discease
Item to my god Chilldren foure pence a piece
Item to the poore of Hose foure shillings at the discretion of our minister
Item to the repayre of the Church Two shillings
Item to Valentine Hall Twentie shillings to be payed within Twoe yeres after my decease
Item to Alice Hart Twenty pounds to be payed unto her at the days of her mariage or els att the decease of Margrett my wife whether of them shall first happen
Item I give unto Marye, Elisabeth, Margaret, Anne, Richard, and Jane Leavers, the Chilldren of William Leavers Twentie shillings apece to be payed to them at the decease of Margret Rouse my wife
Item I give unto the rest of the Chilldren of Thomas Hart my brother Twentie shillings a piece to be payed at the decease of Margret my wife
Item I give unto the Chilldren of Edward Pike Twentie shillings a piece to be payed unto them at the decease of the sayd Margret
Item I give unto Alice Arnoll one Ewe lambe
The Rest of my goods unbequeath (my debts and funerall expences discharged) I give unto Margret Rouse my wife whome I do make the Sole and full executrix of this my last will And testament
In wittness whereof I have put to my hand the fyft daye of August anno dom 1625
Gregorie Rouse
In the presence of us
George Fullwood
John Littledike
Probate 28 February 1625/6