Rouse Ann 1687 of Stathern 1687 will and inventory

Anne Rouse of Stathern 1687 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1687/40

January the 28 1687

In the name of God Amen I Anne Rouse of Stathorne in the County of Leicester Widdow being of perfect memorie and remembrance prased be God doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of almighty God my maker hoping that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only savior and redeemer to receive free pardon and forgivenesse of all my sins and as for my body to bee buried att the discresson of my Executor hereafter nominated

Item I give unto my son John Rouse tenn pounds of good and law [sic] money to be paid out of the stocke and Crope the first payment that is paid after my decease

Item I give unto my daughter Anne Rouse tenn pounds of good and lawfull money to be paid a twelve months after my decease

Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Rouse five pounds of good and lawfull money to be paid by my Executor and five pounds that is in Henery Mantels hand

Item I give unto my son James Rouse one ewe and lame

Item further my true will and meaneing is that if the Inventary of my goods doth not rise to paye my two daughters tenn pound a piece that then the shall bate of their ten pounds

Item I make my son John Rouse sole Executor of this my last will and testament payeing all my debts and legacies revokeing all other wills and testaments

In Wittness whereof I here unto put my hand and seal the day and yeare above written

                                                                                                         Anne Rouse her mark an seale

Sealed signed Published and declared in the present of

Tho: Sumner

Francis Whittel his marke

Frances Comly her marke


A true Inventary taken of the goods Chattell and Cattell of Anne Rouse of Stathorne in the county of Leicester widdow late deceased the 23 day of Aprill Anno Domini 1687 taken by Francis Whittell and Thomas Sumner as followeth

  £ s d
Imprimis her purse and aparell 1 0 0
Item Corne on the ground 3 0 0
Item Corne in the house 0 10 0
Item Foure Cowes 8 0 0
Item Sheep in the follow [sic] feild 2 10 0
Item one mare 2 10 0
Item one gilte 0 10 0
Item money due upon bond 10 0 0
Item all things unseen and forgotten 0 10 0
                                                                                              Suma total 30 1 0

Francis Whittell his marke

Thomas Sumner

Probate 14 May 1687