Nicholas Robinson of Scalford 1604 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/226/73
In the name of god Amen I Nycholas Robinson of Scalford in the countie of Leicester Sherman sycke in bodye but whole in minde & of good & perfecte memorye thanks be to god therefore doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in maner and forme followinge
First I bequeathe my soule to almighty god and my bodye to be buried where it shall please my executore
Item I geve and bequeath unto the poore in Scalford xiid
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto everye one of my godchildren iid
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Charles Robinson my sonne, and to the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten, one cottage house, one wofte or tofte with comon of pasture with all other and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonginge, or in any waies appertaininge, scituate and beinge in Whittsundyne in the countye of Rutland provided allwaies that he geve unto Isable Robinson nowe my wife xx li xs to the use and behoofe of her and her other children as she pleasethe, to be payed in maner and forme followinge That is to saye in the southe churche porche of Scalford xls the daye twelve moneths next after my buriall Other xls that daye two yeares, the third xls that daye thre yeares and iii li xs that daye foure yeares next and imediatelye ensuieinge Provided further that yf the said Charles his heires executors or assignes refuse to paye, or to be behind in payeinge of all or anye of the … summes in maner as afore is said and specified that then it shall and maye be lawfull for the aforesaid Isable to enter upon & have hold and enioye the one halfe of the said cottage with the appurtenances that is that parte wherein one Anthonie Robinson my brother now dwelleth and hath in occupation to her and to her assignes for ever Provided allwaies that nether the aforesaide Charles my sonne nor Isable my wife yf it fall out to be her right shall move … evicte or caste out the aforesaid Anthonie Robinson my Brother dureinge his naturall life out of that parte of the cottage which nowe he hath in occupation he yeildinge and payeinge iiis iiiid yearelie therefore, that is at the annunciation of the virgin Mary and St Michaell by equall portions unto my wife duringe her life, and after her deceasse to Charles my sonne his heires or assignes
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Jhon Robinson my sonne iiiis
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Willm Robinson my sonne v li to be payed within one twelve monethe after my deceasse
Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Jane Robinson my daughter v li
The rest of my goods unbequeathed my debts beinge payed & my funerals dispatched I geve and bequeath unto Isable my wife, whom I make and ordeine full and sole executrixe unto this my laste will & testamente
Itm I will that Willm Bincks and Willm Frisbee shalbe Supervisors to this my last will and testament
Thes beinge wittnesses
Willm Binckes
Willm Casseldyne
Thomas …
Probate 20 May 1604