Richardson Piers 1539 of Stathern will and inventory

Peres Richardson of Stathern 1539 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1539/86

In dei nome Amen Be ytt knowne to all mene that of the xxx day of May in the yere of our lorde mcccccxxxix I Perrs Rychardson of Statherne in Lecestyer shyre of goode & hole memory make my laste wyll & testament in forme & maner folowyng

Fyrste I bequeth my soul to the mercy of gode & my body to be buryied in Statherne aforsaid

Also I make my executorys my wyff & Johne my sone & so longe as my wyffe ys unmariede I wyll she have the custodye of my goods & yf she mary I gyff hure my best Cowe & ii yong steers

It I gyff to Jhone my sone my second cowe on ewe & on calfe

It I gyff to Thomas my sone my thyrde cowe on yerlyng & on calfe

It I gyff to Henry my sone my beste ewe on yerlyng & on calfe

The residue of my goods I wyll my executorys shall dispose after theyre discrecone & wisdome

To Wyttnes thys my dede I callide to presence Johne Sharpe & Jhone Wylsone of Statherne aforesaide

Thinventorie of the goods of Peres Richardson of Statherne praysed the xixth day of July the yere of our lord god mcccccxxxix by Thomas …son John Sharpe Robt Rows of the same towne

Im primis ii kye and ii sterres xliiis
It ii qwees & ii yerlyng calves xxs
It iii calves of half yere olde vis viiid
It … colte xs
It … mare and a fylye of a yere olde xs
It vi acres of whete, barley & payes xxiis
It ii potts & ii pannes iiiis viiid
It beddyng with other howsholde stufe xis iiiid
It iiii swine vs
                                                  Sum totalis vi li viiis viiid