William Pyne of Scalford 1550 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1550/48
In the name of god amen the xxth daye of November the yere of our lord god 1550 I Wylliam Pyne of the towne of Scalforth … beyng of perfect mynd and memori make my testament and last will in forme and maner as hereafter foloweth
Fyrst I comend my soule to god allmyghty my body to be buried in the church yarde of the towne of Scalforth
It I bequeth to the poore mannes box iid
It I bequeth to Anne my dowgter iiis iiiid
It to Annes my dowgters dowghter one shyppe
It Elizabeth my dowghter a cowe and iiii shepe on brasse pot and a panne a matres a coverleyd ii payr of shetes
The residue of my goodes unbequeythed I gyve unto Betres my wyfe whom I make sole exequutryse
It I make Mr Nicolas Seygrave and William Frysbe the elder the overseers of my wyll to se that yt be performed
Mr Nicholas Seygrave
John …
Wylliam Frysbe
John Noble
These be the goodes of William Pyne late departed | |
In primis a bord a fourme a cheyr an ambrye a payle | iiiis iiiid |
It ii pannes ii ketylls ii lyttle potts | xd |
It viii pewter dysshes a sawcer ii candyll styckes a salt seller a scomar | vs vid |
It a coffer a matres ii covleyds iiii payr of shets a bolster a bord cloth ii hand towells | vs xd |
It ii kye and an heyfar | vs xd |
It vii shepe | vs xiiis iiiid |
Summa totalis | iiii li iiiid |